After shower, I sat for a while at the balcony enjoying the darkening skies and the view of the lake. It felt good to be alone and I silently observed the relaxing surroundings around me.

Then I went back in and switched on the TV. But I was not watching it. Instead I played with my camera.
I looked up at the ceiling, saw the turning fan and took a shot of it.

I took another shot.

You must be wondering why I took photos of the fan! Well, that's what I like to do when there is nothing to do. Haha!
My friend came back moments later, took his bath and off we went for dinner at Tembat Restaurant, the one and only restaurant at this resort.
If you remember, we had earlier requested for a-la-carte dinner instead of the lousy buffet. It turned out that the manager agreed to our request but we were given a very limited choice of menu.
Both me and my friend chose fried mee mamak.

Guess how much this plate of mee with a large prawn cost me? RM12? No. RM16? Nope.
It was RM24!!
And the prawn was not even fresh! I did not want to risk food poisoning, so I ate everything minus the large prawn. I can tell you if I ever return to this Kenyir Resort in future, I will definitely bring my own food!
After dinner, me and my friend decided to go moon watching! What the heck is moon watching? We've done bird watching and plant watching and even bug watching, but moon watching?
We took a buggy ride back to that jetty we had earlier went to for our boat paddling.

It was dark. The buggy driver drove off leaving just the two of us there. You must be thinking what the heck we were doing there!

My friend and I took two rubber seats from a boat nearby and spread them on the wooden floor of the jetty. We laid down on the seats side by side looking up at the night sky.

It was a full moon night! My camera could not capture the moon and its surrounding halo of light nicely. Too bad because if you were there, you would have been fascinated by that ring of bluish light circling the moon.
OK, more photos of my legs.....again! Haha! I was lying down while taking this shot. We could not see the lake scenery as it was completely dark.

My friend and I had a good time chatting while lying there. I thought it was pretty enjoyable. To be basking in the moonlight and listening to the sound of night insects and frogs croaking. And of course a good company sure made all the difference!
After we had enough of chit chatting, we made a call for the buggy service to take us back to the resort. To our surprise, the telephone at the jetty was not working! Luckily we had our handphones with us so were able to make the call.
I wonder what would we do if we did not bring our handphones along! Sleep there till sunrise? Or walk back to the resort in complete darkness?

The above photo shows how Kenyir Resort front entrance looks like at night. I snapped a picture of it when we arrived at the resort.
And the photo below shows the lobby area of Kenyir Resort with the giant chandelier all lighted up hanging from the ceiling. I thought it looked kind of charming.

We heard someone singing at the lounge area and decided to sit there. But not before buying ourselves some snacks.

OK, it's just Mister Potato and Mamee. Haha!
I am not a fan of Mister Potato but when you are at a place with no good food, Mister Potato did not seem too bad! As for Mamee, I used to like eating it when I was a child, so there's nothing wrong with keeping memories of my childhood alive. LOL!

We sat there enjoying our snacks and the performance. The lady's singing was not too bad. But of course, she was no Mariah Carey. Haha!

We sat there until the performance was over and everyone including the audiences had left. It was close to 1am. Although I am a night owl, my friend is not. We decided to call it a day and walked back to our chalet.
It was quite dark walking along the dimly lit steps. When we reached our chalet, I took out the key and unlock the door. To my surprise, I could not turn the key inside the keyhole.
What happened next would turn out to be the most bizarre and frightening experience during my stay at Lake Kenyir!
First!!!! Wahaha!!!
I always bring my own snacks when going to resorts. Save money than buying at the hotel shop. :D
Did you went to the wrong chalet Foong? That's why the key wasn't working.
Happened to me a few times at Renaissance. I was so used to staying at the same floor and in the same room, it was automatic I head to the room from the club lounge only to realize after trying the key card and cursing it didn't work; that I went to the wrong room on the wrong floor. "cabut"ted by running away quickly. So malu! LOL
Should've made a scene about the lousy food.
Did you lodge a complain afterwards or not? At the very least, e-mail your complain to the management to highlight the matter.
RM24 for a rather small looking portion. I rather eat cup noodle lah.
Wahaha!!! Spamming early in the morning.
Just had my third cup of coffee and having the usual side effect of diarrhea now. LOL
Haven't been sleeping all night coz today is a Public Holiday. W00T!
RM24 of a plate of mee mamak?! That restaurant sure knows how to take advantage of tourists!
Walking back in complete darkness is something I would not want to do.
nice view.. no go before. :(
wow kenyir... but well malaysia really has plenty of places to go... i must explore more 2 yrs later =p
The RM 24 is seriously not worth it.
Morning Foong!
24 RM for tak sedap mee goreng... I'd get angry too! :(
Wonder what's the bizarre incident... looking forward... ;)
don't tell me that u expeeeerienced what i did in japan.. :p
ok, will come back here soonest to see what happened the night u couldnt open the dooor.. (hey, wrong room, is it?)
argh! i hate to pay so much for bad food =.= ahahaha but keniyir!! i wan go too~~
Ur moon looked like my moon too..hahahaha.. eh.. i still havent sit down with william to read ur lilian too's post leh.. william is just too bz.. must get him to read with me tonite :D
You changed fan speed or your camera speed as two photos showed differently?
Change your mindset presume you are in Kenyir, Africa for RM24 a plate of fried African mee it would be cheap. But for lousy prawn is just too much. Here is the breakdown: noodles RM5, chef RM2, place RM2, misc RM2 then the cost of that miserable prawn RM12, (my lousy maths RM1) Total:RM24
Right key in the right keyhole but in the wrong chalet door. haha
hahaha, you were too bored or too curious about the fan?? :p
wow, spending the quite night looking at the starry sky on the jetty.. cool~~~
but weren't there any mosquitoes?? hehehehe :p
hey, i like to eat Mamee!! my all time favourite snack~~ and i think many of us do.. :p
so how much did you bought the mamee for?? RM1?? hahahaha :D
couldn't open the door with your key?? hmmmm, were you trying to open somebody else's door?? ooopsss~~
I plan to go there too.. Can read your posts for reference next round
lina, congrats for being FC here today! Yeah, bringing own snacks save you lots of money but I try to travel light and not bring too much stuffs.
Yeah, at first I thought we went to the wrong chalet. Checked the number again and again. No it was our chalet. So you went to the wrong room? Hahaha!
We complained to the staff there. Should have emailed a complaint but too lazy to do it afterwards.
Enjoy your public holiday, Lina! I gotta work today! : (
I thought you were going to share with us your paranormal activity in this post, but heck...
mei teng, yeah they sure know how to take advantage!
So you won't walk in the darkness? It's OK to me cos it's thrilling in a way : )
T.H, then you should visit Kenyir! : )
I like Mamee too! Haha!
fufu, yeah waiting for you to travel with me in 2 years time! : )
kelvin, definitely not worth it! I would not mind too much if the food was delicious though, but it's not!
mariuca, woke up so early today? Haha! Bizarre incident coming up soon! : )
reanaclaire, no it's not the wrong room. You will know the whole story in my next post, so don't miss it ; )
aaronng88, yeah who likes to pay so much for bad food? Yes, go Kenyir! : )
merryn, of course my moon looks like your moon lah, it's the same moon. Haha! OK, take your time to read my Lillian Too post : )
cheahs@n, changed camera speed not fan speed, haha!
LOL to your calculations!
It's right key at the right keyhole and the right chalet door but something's wrong. Something paranormal. Shudder. Will reveal in my next post! ; )
SK,about the fan, I'm just testing my camera, haha!
Oh yeah, looking up at the starry sky and full moon sure felt great!
No there weren't any mosquitoes. Luckily, otherwise I would have to get one of your mosquitoes-killing rackets! LOL!
Mamee is your all time fav snack? Really? I don't mind eating it too, quite nice but I will not say it's my all time fav snack : )
I can't remember how much was that packet of Mamee but it's definitely not cheap!!
No it's my chalet door cos we checked and checked. Shudder.
keeyit, yes, do go Kenyir - it's fun and you are welcome to refer to my posts for hints and guidance : )
jam, haha, I decided to mention about my paranormal activity in the next post to avoid making this post too long!
Oh, you like Mamee too? Good, next time I bring some along our travel to Cambodia! LOL!
You working today office in Selangor haha.
Nice experiment on the ceiling fan, you are like me itchy hands cannot sit or sleep still for a second one.
Talking about the moon and pitch dark I had this first ever great experience in the cave in Gua Tempurung, Perak. When all of us were settled the guide told us to switch off our torch light to 'enjoy' the darkness. So nice. Phew it's real dark cant even see my fingers.
@If you are alone then the mystery is solved your partner locked it from inside since you said he is not a nite bird, but you said 'we'..??
@If using keycard then its security reason need to update at the reception every 24 hours but you said key not card..???
@I gave up would leave it to "ghost whisperer" for answers...Woooooooooooo,ooooo...???
Yeah! Sometimes it really feel good to be alone you know. Away from everything. :p are one very fascinating photographer huh! Taking pictures of fans. LOL :D
The 1st one is with flash the second one is without right?
the mamak looks so good... RM24??? how much is it in peso???
woah... in my case... i will not dare to go boat paddling at night... so creepy... an oh... it full moon... that makes it more horrifying for me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (run) hehe
anyways it's nice to see that your enjoying your trip
What the heck? This mee Mamak? cost your guys a bomb? RM24? For what? What's so damn special about it? :/
Moon watching? Now that's something I never thought of doing intentionally. :p
I'm sure if I am there it will be such a breathtaking view right bro? :p
Hey, I love mamme too when I was younger bro. LOL :D could not open your door? So teruk? :p
the presentation on the mee goreng is really funny...only places like Kenyir Resort can think of the chef will say "Jom kita letak udang tu cam ni cam ni...nampak best kan...macam lobster pulak" AHHAAHAAA
ohh i am 36 and i still eat Mamee...ahahahah love mamee....
The setting of this resort looks like the one in Pedu Lake
and then the waitress in black tudung and suit with a golden name tag will reply, " eh eh betul lar abang, macam lobsterrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" leave the kitchen batting her eye lashes and bring u ur order....hahahah funny ar? =_=
the kitchen to charge u rm24 for that miserable noodles? aduh. terrible
Aiyooo, that plate of mee looks so darn good never mind the price la ...
Wah, Kenyir looks good :D
Kenyir Lake is located near enough to Kuala Terengganu that those who prefer a more urban environment can visit the lake as a day trip and return to the city at night.
I'm 35 and I have mamee at home for snacks. ALways buy them each week.
Oh crap, I just realized I'm old already! :D
OMG RM24 for that plate of noodles??? Pay me and I'll make you a much much better one ok! :P Watching moon on a dark dark night eh? Erm.. sounds romantic but I think it's a lil scary too.. Don't really like dark places :P
what a night! haha.. and when im free.. i'll take pics of random stuff too.. example - the light! =P
and RM24 for the prawn mee...? that's like 4.40 pounds.. okay la.. haha..
looked like they purposely plant that huge prawn in the middle just to make it looks expensive. :p
Haha, I once experienced someone trying to open my hotel room door, and when he failed to open it with the keys, he started to bang loudly on the door.
Time to invest in a better camera since you like to take pictures of nature!
since when you become advertiser for mamee and mister potatoes?
What a relaxing experience chit chatting in the dark looking at the moon. Quick quick post up on the room thing. Something stuck inside the key hole?
Kenyir again!
Wah very expensive one plate of fried mee mama,
Yalor… I think bring Maggie mee better that eat this kind of lousy expensive food!
What u mean by frightening experience …. You meet a ghost?
woah! u and yr fren so romantic lah!!!
You could not turn the key inside the keyhole because your door was NOT locked..
RM24 for a plate of noodles is expensive!
Is Mr Potato the taste and shape) like "Pringles"? Is Mr Potato trying to mimic Pringles?
For me I think I will eat the prawn. Too expensive not to eat it. Hahaha
The lighting of the hotel entrance is pretty. :)
Aiyoh! RM24 for that RM5 mamak mee? What to do? When in resort must pay resort prices, mah. LOL!
Nice pictures of the lobby.
i couldn't agree more with you. RM24 is ridiculously expensive for that kind of dish.
love the charming setting of the resort. it looks very inviting.
Mr potato or mamee is definitely not my cup of tea. they're way too salty for my liking.
bananaz, yeah no holiday for Selangor people!
You got itchy hands? haha! Yeah, I like to experiment with my camera when nothing to do!
Must be a nice experience in total darkness inside the cave right? Would like to experience that some time!
No keycard, and no, my friend was with me outside. Where is Melinda Gordon when I need her? Haha!