Continued from
Part 1Before we drove up Genting Highlands, I and my friend Ed decided to have our breakfast at
Otak Otak Place in

We chose to go there as they were having this breakfast set promotion at RM5!
Ed and I ordered the same set, which was toasted bread with butter and kaya, half boiled eggs and coffee.

The cup of coffee came with a piece of cracker too. At RM5, it was worth it as ordering these 3 items would cost about RM8 at the normal prices.
I love the toasted bread! Well, it was way better than the toasted bread I had at OldTown White Coffee! I would say after eating at places like Otak Otak Place, PappaRich and TC Toast & Coffee, OldTown's food is the absolute worst!
Otak Otak Place also have a nice interior. Look at this bicycle on display there!

I just realised they have a bicycle on display in every one of their outlets. I have been to the outlet in Tropicana City Mall and they have even more things on display there!
I even saw a pack of
Happy Families cards on my table but we did not bother to play it. In fact, I don't even know how to play this card game!
Before leaving, we were given 2 complimentary packets of premix coffee with tongkat ali, gano and ginseng extract. Nice!

After breakfast, we drove to Genting Highlands. Or rather, Ed drove while I sat there and enjoyed the view.
It was a breeze driving there as there were not many cars. Well, it was the second day of Chinese New Year so I guess most people were already back in their hometowns.
Well, how wrong I was! When we reached the Skyway station midway up Genting, we were shocked to see the long queue of people waiting in line for the cable cars!

There were many foreign workers from Bangladesh and Indonesia. I guess they must be having their day off and took the opportunity to visit Genting Highlands!
Moral of this story : Don't go to Genting Highlands on a public holiday! Or at least, don't take the cable car ride.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know that I hate queues! Well, as much as I hated queues, I did not ask Ed to drive us up because his car was a brand new car and had yet to reach 1000km in mileage! I did not want to strain his new car too much!
So we had to tolerate for almost two hours lining up for the cable car!

I did not know how I survived that 2 hours but I did! I guess with a friend as company, it was bearable.
Finally, we got onto the cable car. They called it Skyway Gondola which sounded nice, haha.

Now please excuse me if I have to flood this post with pictures taken from inside the cable car as I have not sat in this Skyway Gondola for more than 10 years! LOL!

Each cable car can only take in a maximum of 8 persons. So there were 6 other people with us. Not much room to move around to take pictures!
From this photo below, you can see that we were leaving the cable car station.

I was surprised that as a person who is afraid of heights, I did not feel any fear at that time! Maybe my stint at
FRIM's suspended bridge had cured me. Haha!

Yippie! We were on top of the world!

Then Ed pointed out to me our cable car number. Wow! It was number 48!!

In Cantonese, 48 sounds like "sei fatt" or continuously getting rich! What a prosperous feeling up there in the sky! And coincidentally, it was the second day of Chinese New Year. Woo hoo!
My friend would end up using this number later on in the casino but that will be another story.

I really enjoyed the ride. Well, maybe not as much fun as 10 years ago, when I was much younger, but it was still fun nevertheless.

By the way, did you know that Genting Skyway is one of the fastest cable car in the world running at 6 metres per second and also the longest in South East Asia at 3.38km?
OK, here's a question to test your mathematical skill. Using the figures I just provided above, how long do you think our cable car journey was? The first person to answer this correctly will win a special prize from me! : )
Coming Up In Part 3 : My Lunch At 6,000 Feet Above Sea Level! FIRST COMMENTER