It was the fourth day of Chinese New Year and we had booked this restaurant one week in advance just to be safe. The first dish was of course, yee sang.

That's the yee sang on my plate. Just like the reunion dinner at Tai Thong, I had forgotten to take a photo of the yee sang before we tossed and mixed it all up. LOL!
The yee sang here was pretty good although it was a tad too sweet. Probably too much plum sauce.
The main dish that we ordered that evening was the Boston lobster noodles. We had 3 of these huge lobsters. Look at how big the plate was! Not much of a presentation, but who cares when it comes to lobsters? LOL!

It was enough to satisfy all eleven of us. In fact, there were more lobsters than noodles - I could hardly see the noodles!

The lobsters meat were firm and flavorful. Yummy!! I didn't care too much for the noodles though they were a little soggy being soaked in the delicious sauce.

Greedy me quickly snatched this huge lobster claw because I knew there's chunky meat hidden beneath the hard shell!

Look at those lobster meat after I broke open part of the shell! Yum! Yum!

The Boston lobsters did not come cheap however. Three lobsters cost us RM640! (US$194)
Besides lobsters, we also ordered mixed vegetables. This was very nice! Love it!

The steamed fish was also pretty good!

We were recommended pork ribs, but decided to decline. Partly to cut down cost and partly because we were not sure if could take in so much meat! So we ordered another vegetables dish to balance out the protein from fish and lobsters.

Lastly, we had fried rice with waxed meat. I have to say this was a huge disappointment. I have eaten better fried rice elsewhere. And the waxed meat was quite pathetic.

When the bill came, we were quite prepared for it as we have heard that this restaurant was quite expensive.

Total price : RM1,187.70 (US$360.05). Do you think it's expensive? Is it worth eating here? I did enjoy all the dishes except the fried rice. And we were all really full! If it's cheaper, I do not mind coming here again more often.
After dinner, I took a few photos of the live fishes and other sea creatures in the glass tanks at the entrance of the restaurant.

You can, if you like, choose which fish or lobster or any other seafood that you want from the tanks. But I can never do that. It's like picking a victim to be killed and cooked for my enjoyment. Sounds really awful to me! So we just let the restaurant do the choosing, thank you!

Heard that the Alaskan King Crab is really popular here! But the price is enough to deter me from eating it!

There were a lot of people dining at the restaurant that evening. Almost full house, I would say. Now anyone generous enough to give me a nice treat at this restaurant? : )

Green View Restaurant
6 & 8, Jalan 19/3,
Petaling Jaya,
Tel : 03 7954 9263