Listen > My Piano Versions Of Cloud Atlas Theme Song
In fact, I did not use my hands to play. Instead I used my two feet! Haha! That's right! And if you are still not aware of this new attraction in Berjaya Times Square, let me introduce you to the Grand Musical Staircase!

It's my very first time walking on stairs that resemble a giant classical piano keyboard! And yes, you can create a tune by walking on the 'keyboard' steps, which are brightly lit in dancing LED sound graphs.

What's more, not only does it have piano sounds, it also feature sounds of percussion, kalimba and piccolo! How awesome is that!

Listen > My Own Composition : A Tribute To Hong Kong
Located at the central wing of the mall, this state-of-the-art musical stairs connects the Ground floor and the Lower Ground floor.

I walked up and down the stairs a few times just to enjoy the musical sounds. LOL!

Besides making music on the stairs, another attraction is the landing area of the staircase at the Lower Ground Concourse which is installed with liquid panels that produce ripples with every footstep.

Dotted with fibre optic lights and zen-like steps, it gives the illusion of walking on a sea of stars! I saw many people, children and adults alike, stepping onto the liquid panels.

Of course, I just had to join in! How could I resist? LOL!

Constructed in a little more than 13 weeks and at the cost of RM1.5 million (USD483,000), this Grand Musical Staircase is definitely the first of its kind in Malaysia. Thanks to Berjaya Times Square, I guess walking up and down a flight of stairs is now a whole lot more fun! : )