Happy Merdeka to all my Malaysian readers, bloggers and friends!!!
Since today we are celebrating our 53rd Independence Day, I am coming out with a Top 10 Reasons why I love our beloved country Malaysia!! Let's begin, shall we?
1. Malaysia's weather is hot and humid all year round. Although this may be uncomfortable, the humidity is good for our skin and helps all of us look younger!
2. Malaysia has some of the best food in the world. Think nasi lemak, char koay teow, roti canai, teh tarik, cendol, satay, chicken rice, keropok lekor, bak kut teh, etc. etc!
3. Malaysia is home to some of the best variety of fruits in the world! Where else can you get durians, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, tarap, mangosteens, dragonfruits, rambutans, guavas and bananas in one place?
4. Malaysia is free from major natural disasters! We do not have earthquakes, volcano eruptions, typhoons, twisters and blizzards!
5. Malaysia has some of the best beaches in the world. Think Sipadan, Perhentian, Tioman, Redang and Manukan!
6. Malaysians are generally peace loving and all three major races live in harmony here! It's only the politicians who are trying to spoil it all for us!
7. Malaysians love to eat and we have 24-hour eateries! The only downside to this is we are getting fatter and fatter!
8. Malaysia has the tallest Twin Towers in the world! It's also the most beautiful Twin Towers!
9. Malaysians are generally warm and friendly. In fact, we are in the Top 10 most tourism friendly countries in the world!
10. Malaysia is among one of the countries in the world with the most public holidays. Now I like that a lot! Haha!

Sunrise in Redang Island
Although Malaysia is not perfect, and no country in the world is, I still think the positive aspects of Malaysia far outweigh the negatives. So let us focus on the positives, shall we?
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Let's appreciate our beloved Malaysia.
Thank you Malaysia for being such a wonderful and beautiful country. You are indeed my home sweet home, my Heaven on Earth! Happy Merdeka Day!! : )
Selamat Hari Merdeka Foong!
I wish I work in Selangor though and not KL - coz Selangor has more public holidays!LOL
happy merdeka...i did mentioned some of the reason in fufu merdeka project... :)
Happy Merdeka and happy holiday
Happy Merdeka to all Malaysians.
Yeah! Happy Merdeka to all of us. :D
Yeah! I am glad our weather is not seasonal so that we don't have to waste money to buy so many different apparels. :p
Yeah! And that's why we are known as heaven for food. Malaysia is certainly the place for greedy people like us! :p
Fruits? Hmm...we have king and queen of fruit right?? :p How about watermelon?
You are right about that bro. I am so grateful we don;t have those dangerous natural disasters. Thank God. :)
Agreed again bro. The Island I love the most is Tioman. I miss Tioman so much!
Yeah! Only those politicians who are trying to wreak havoc in our lives..I wonder why we allow them to do so?
Haha :D Everything in Malaysia is becoming like 24/7...and of course..our obesity cases is the highest in SEA!
Nice one bro. Although KLCC is no longer the tallest building. It is still the tallest twin towers. :D
What? We are the top 10 most friendly countries in the world? Serious? :p
Hahahahaha :D We have the most public holidays? No wonder our efficiency is very low lar especially in the government departments. :p
Happy Merdeka to u too Foong! ;) whoaa not enuff listing in twitter heh? ;p
uhhh yea and as i said TAK SERATA! hahaha! look younger? i jz dnt like the hot sun peel my skin tho. :(
Foods and Fruits! many countries doesnt have what Malaysia have! yay! ;)
#4 thats so TRUE! so be glad n grateful too! :D
#5 ahhh i still remember last eyar we're having the voting for Sipadan being listed in Seven Wonders list! SEEEEE!!! ;D
Yea! those politicians are the one racist! but not us! :) if not, how come we can get along with each other with different races n religions people right?
#7 yes we all love to eat! btu how come i never get fat one? :[
yesh Twin Towers! ehhh u forgot bout Mount Kinabalu ler. altho its not the highest mountain lar. heeee.
hahaha! of course we are all friendly! hahaha! love holidays! :] but then horr.. even its not a holiday, u as d panda oso suka suka annouce day off for urself one! LOL!
I like to live where we can look younger! Yeah!
Keropok lekor rocks! I likey :D
Durians rule! Together with keropok lekor.. lagi ROCKS! :P
We've got no twisters.. but got lots of twitters :D
Redang.. my fav! Coz never been to Sipadan... hehehe..
I eat 25 hours a day :P
Malaysia might have the tallest Twin Towers, but they have extremely short people! I AM ONE GOOD EXAMPLE :P
Oh yeah, we are warm and friendly alrite. Must be becoz of the weather :D
Selangor RULES for the holidays :P
Selamat Hari Merdeka yo!
nicely written =)
ooo....cannot agree more to your points!! our country's food, people and fruits just rocks la....IF only we have better politicians, better roads n public transportation...then we'll be plain awesome la...XD haha happy merdeka
Wee....finally, can comment!^^ I love your post very much! xD Happy Merdeka, panda~ *Huggies*
Wow. Happy Independence Day. ^_^
So do number 1 give us a clue about your looks? Do you look younger than your age?
Haha...same here in the Philippines. It is our politicians who spoil the fun.
Well, Happy Independence Day again to all Malaysians.
Another top ten post :)
I love Malaysia for its weather and food.
i totally agree with u!!!! ;)
Yes, Malaysia is a very nice place to live in if... we are all color blind as our small kids.. :)
#1: actually i'm quite ok with the weather, though humid and hot, but i guess i like seeing sunshine all year long..
#2: oh yeah, definitely agree with this.. i guess we malaysians will always miss our local food after being away from home for even few days.. :D
#3: err, as for fruits i think i am neutral lor.. i also love fruits from seasonal countries though.. :)
#4: yes, this is undeniable.. we should feel lucky that our land is free of all these natural disasters..
#5: hmmm, don't know why but i guess i am looking forward to beaches and island elsewhere, especially those in the indian ocean.. :D
#6: peace loving?? ermm, no comments, or rather say, i do not want to comment on this.. we all know what's the real story behind..
#7: haha, i cut away from late night mamak supper for many years lor~~
#8: instead i'm more concern on the city planning.. skyscrappers scattering here and there without planning is not cool at all..
#9: err, true perhaps.. but i guess only friendly to foreigners - eg: the case of the air-steward, you get what i mean??
#10: hahaha!! yes, i love this fact!! but that means we also have less annual leave compared to others..
well, looks like the reasons why you love the country is quite "surface".. anyway, not wise to talk too much into those "details" in a public platform here too~~ :p
what would be the 10 items that make me having doubt and in secure to stay in Malaysia :p
You making me miss Malaysia food! T___T
Yum! I love Malaysian food! And erm... I think I only love Malaysian food for now. LOL!
Hear! Hear!
Great post, Foong. Hope you had a fun day!
Oh btw, love that sunrise picture and to think that you got up so early to capture the sunrise? Worth the effort, huh? Thanks for sharing the beauty. Can't wait for you to finish up with your China tour we can get on with Redang. Ooops! LOL!
Good post,really liked the sunrise picture and very glad to know that Malaysia is such a beautiful place...
Thanks for giving such interesting updates on Malaysia. I was really not aware of these things before. Malaysia is truly beautiful.
F1 is one of main attraction in malaysia. beside foreign currency are high, therefore malaysia claim to be profit about millions per seission
cannot agree more to your points!! our country's food, people and fruits just rocks la....IF only we have better politicians, better roads n public transportation...then we'll be plain awesome la...XD haha happy merdeka
this is undeniable.. we should feel lucky that our land is free of all these natural disasters.
Happy Merdeka to you! I love malaysia because there's still such thing as free parking and discounts for summons!
ya meh? the humidity helps all of us look younger? but i hate hot and humid weather huhuhuh..
#2 - i agree! :D
Yay i've Sipadan Island near my hometown (Tawau).. but i've never been to Sipadan wtf :(
#7 - really? we are getting fatter and fatter!? LOL
Happy Merdeka to u Foong! :D
This is a awesome post to go through and I'm really excited to know all those facts about Malaysia. Malaysia have always been a major tourist destination and the trend is gradually increasing. Thanks and bye.
Happy 53rd Birthday Malaysia!! :):):)
I esp love number 4, phew and thank god! :)
Agree with number 9, we are some of the friendliest people around! :)
I did not know number 10 but am loving it too ha ha! :)
Happy Merdeka to your beloved Malaysia!
I totally agree with the humidity...I styarted missing the hot and humid tropics after seeing how my skin has changed so much!
I love Malaysia as well..
I agree and support all you 10 good reasons! The only thing I hate are the Mat Rempits and corrupted govt.
good... i love malaysia
salam kenal