How about this?

If you are a Malaysian, you will definitely recognize these two buildings - the first picture is Genting Hotel and the second one is First World Hotel, both located at Genting Highlands!
I went to Genting Highlands last year with a friend but I did not stay in any of these two hotels. In fact, I stayed up the whole night at Starbucks. LOL!

One interesting place I visited at the popular mountain resort was Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Museum at First World Plaza. I had actually completely forgotten to blog about this until I discovered the photos in my computer last night!
Basically, it's a museum that contains bizarre, weird and one-of-a-kind exhibits that would either fascinate or shock you. I did not take good pictures of the exhibits but I guess they would do for this post. Haha!
This is Robert Ripley welcoming us at the entrance!

Ooh! Who's this? No idea but she's terribly fat!!

Want to get pregnant? Just touch these African Fertility Statues! But do it at your own risk! And of course, I meant the ladies only! Haha!!

Want to green the earth? Take the cue from these figures which were made from recycled junk!

OK, here's something interesting. Want to know the time but don't have a watch? No problem! Just look into the eyes of a cat!

Game for some riddles? Here's one. Try not to look at the answer at the bottom of the photo!

OK, I knew you already saw the answer! Well, did you get it straight away or even after knowing the answer, you still need some time to think it over? LOL!
In 1901, many sidewalks and streets in Kansas, USA were paved with special bricks bearing this message...

It was to encourage the people in Kansas to stop spitting in public places in order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis. Believe it or not!
Want to kill a vampire? There's a vampire killing kit here complete with a cross, holy water, wooden stake and other paraphernalias. To learn how to kill a vampire, read this guide!

I am not sure what this is but I think it's a wrapped mummy of some sort. Well, too lazy to read the notes! Haha!

A survivor who was bitten by a great white shark were on display but I did not find it gruesome.

Now this is gruesome! Can you see the weapon protruding from his chest? Ouch!!

How about this one? The man survived despite the sharp object going through his head! Believe it or not!!

Do you dare sit on this chair filled with nails? It was the feared seat of agony from the Royal Castle Of Nuremberg. It was used to extort confessions from naked victims strapped onto this excruciatingly painful chair. Believe it or not!!

This is the world's first co-joined Siamese twins called Chang and Eng who were married with two sisters and had their own families and kids! I can't imagine how they had sex with their wives since they were joined!

Their story was made into a musical called Chang & Eng in Singapore. Did you go and watch this musical when it was performed at Istana Budaya in KL many years back? I did and it was to me, one of the best musicals I have ever watched! Read more about it HERE.
Want to see the largest hand in the world? Here it is!

That's my hand compared to this giant hand! Believe it or not!!
Ooh! Look at these books defying the law of gravity! Amazing!

There were many more exhibits that I did not take photos of. I was too busy having fun you see! Haha! But there's 0ne thing I must show you and it is this tunnel.

Entering and crossing this tunnel to the other side was thrilling! The circular wall turned as I crossed and even though I held tightly on the rails, I felt dizzy as if I would be falling off the walkway at any moment!

Of course it was all an illusion! The metal plank where I walked did not move at all - only the walls turned - but it created the impression as if the plank was swaying and I had to hang on the rails for dear life!
If you want to move successfully from one end to the other end, just simply close your eyes and you will reach there! Haha!!
Oh! What's at the other end of the tunnel? It was a room filled with ties, ties and more ties! It's kind of weird.

So did you wonder how I managed to capture the picture of the tunnel since I was already holding tightly on the rails and could hardly balance myself?
I forced myself. That's right. I just forced myself to stand straight and snap away! Haha! BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!

If you have not visited this Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Museum, do give it a try! At RM18 per adult or RM15 per child, it was not exactly cheap but it was quite fun!
And if you like to know more about Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, visit this website for some amazing and entertaining facts!