OK, this may sound terribly outdated since I bought the iPhone 3GS a few months back. Besides, iPhone had just released their newest version iPhone 4. I should have blogged about this then but I guess it's better late than never!
Now many people tell me they don't like iPhone. They prefer Blackberry, Nexus One, Samsung Galaxy S, HTC, Nokia N series and a host of other smart phones.
Well, I don't like smart phones because they are smarter than me. That's why I own an iPhone! LOL!!
Here is a picture of my iPhone.

Oh, if you want to know, the one on the left is a condom for my iPhone. Haha! It's to protect my iPhone you know, just in case...

With the iPhone, I can now check my emails, update my Facebook, chat on yahoo messenger and msn, tweet on Twitter and watch YouTube videos on the go!
I can surf the web, take pictures and post on my Facebook, record a video and post on YouTube, play games and even update my blog if I want to!
I can also listen to songs on my iPhone's iPod. There is no need to get an iPod!
Recently, I have been using my iPhone to record my piano playing and share with my blog readers. It was cool! Perhaps you want to listen to my rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars with a twist? Enjoy!!
Oh by the way, do you know iPhone can save your life? Yes, if you are lost in the jungle, and there is no line, you can use iPhone's compass to navigate your way out!
Since I am not a very technical person, I won't go into details about the iPhone. Suffice to say it is giving me hours and hours of enjoyment! I don't think I can survive without it!
There are however, two things I don't like about the iPhone. One, is its high power consumption. If I tweet a lot or play games on it, the battery will drain off fast and I would need to recharge it. That's such a hassle and can sometimes be very inconvenient especially when it takes close to two hours to fully recharge!
The other thing is if I set the alarm and switch off my iPhone, the alarm would not work. Unlike my previous handphone, the Sony Ericsson C902, I could set the alarm, switch the handphone off and when the time comes, the phone will switch on by itself and sound the alarm. Not so with the iPhone!
I bought this iPhone from Digi, and subscribed to its iDigi88 plan which requires me to pay RM88 per month for 24 months. Recently, Digi lowered the iDigi88 monthly payment to RM60 for new subscribers. That was a reduction of RM28!!
This is the new iDigi plan. Click to enlarge.

I was quite upset with this but what could I do? Looks like early birds never really had it good! RM28 per month for 24 months would mean I would be losing out on a total of RM672!!
Imagine what I can do with RM672!
✔I can stay one night at the Sea Villas in Pangkor Laut Resort!
✔I can dine at the dinner buffet at Le Meridien KL at least 6 times!
✔I can watch my favourite movies in Gold Class at GSC Signature at least 11 times!
✔I can enjoy crepe cakes at Food Foundry 74 times!
✔And if not mistaken, I can enjoy up to 672 sundae cones at McDonalds!
So am I pissed off? You bet!

But did I regret buying the iPhone? Hell no!!
Now go get that iPhone if you have not already. And tell me what you can do with RM672.
i like iPhone but i like Blackberry oso :D
oh u can buy don't-know-how-many-pcs of durian snow skin mooncakes from Shangri-la oso! haha!
Ohhh that's bad.. can't you get a refund or something.. throw a tantrum lah Foong...
eh i heard battery life for iPhone sucks? true? false?
Enjoy your choice!
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
of Foong i so envy u but i would buy a new camera lens if given the choice. there is so much i want to buy with my limited ringgit :)
Iphone FTW! ^_^ lkelkee~ with RM672? u shud come to melaka and treat me satay celup~ =p period~
morning Foong! :D hahaha iphone is the topic aye?
I would love iPhone if the battery life not shucks. :p n yes i love Blackberry muchie!! :D
wah...iphone.. and so cheap per month too.. yeah,seems like early birds don't happen in this case.. now that u ranted it out, maybe digi will give u an incentive.. hahaha...
BTW, I will never like Nokia N series. :S
haha now u got extra IPOD! :p
yay! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! love it! :D
i will wait for iPhone 4!! mwahaha! the battery life is better than iPhone! :p
rm672 can buy another phone!
What do you mean you don't like smart phone? iPhone is a smart phone!
How do you find DiGi's coverage and performance?
Nice one
wow, great! I should get it one day!
my "antique" nokia is already more than 3 years old.. the phone case is already kind of split-out after many falls onto the ground, hahaha!!
am so tempted to change for a new phone, smart phones preferably, but still cannot decide which to get..
just too many brands and models out there in the market, and most importantly price is still an issue to me..
maybe i should just get a cheap phone, enough to make calls, send sms, some basic applications will do?? haha~~
or just dreaming about one day i'll be getting a brand new iPhone totally FOC?? kekekeke~~ :D
iPhone is high-tech la. I only need a phone to call home. :)
Arghh don't mention on the RM28 extra! I'm also pissed! Looks like we're not appreciated being the early and loyal birds eh?
But I do agree with you! Iphone has changed my life!!!
u mana ada chat on msn n ym one? or u deliberately do not want to add me in... sobs!!!!! :( dun wanna friend YOU! :P
aiseh iPhone 4 alarm can work in off mode or not?
LOL....RM672 is a lot. So, you have to look ahead and not behind anymore. What past is past. hehe
I have been thinking and thinking about getting the iPhone.... hmmmm.
Still thinking.....
Happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Everyone seems to have an iphone. I'll wait until iphone developes a model that allows telco to trace my whereabouts and come rescue me if lost in the jungle before I buy the iphone. Compass will be too complicated to use.
iPhone? No eye see at the moment, too many brands and choices..got smart phone, blackberry, dumb phone, strawberry and not so smart phone..aduh *pengsan*..tQ
Haha if wanna rub it in how much RM672 can also do the list would be too long and that would upset the panda even like Caroline's latest post dont play play with panda...haha
Peace be with you no more pissed off its over cheers panda!!!
Nice to know about your iPhone. It would take sometime to get acquainted with all the features of this unique device. This will prove to be a helpful device for you. Bye.
You sucuumb to the dark side, foongpc!
Now watch how iphone will slowly consume your soul. =p
I thought you were already using an Iphone?
I am not jumping onto the bandwagon yet.
monica, go get either an iPhone or Blackberry! As long as you can tweet on the go! Haha!!
Haha! With RM672, I can actually buy 7 boxes of Shangri-la's durian snow skin mooncakes!! (each box contains 6 mini mooncakes and costs RM96!)
haha...i think i am going to get an iphone soon too! it's so tempting! hahaha...
ladyjava, haha! It's a 2 year contract. Throw tantrum also no use!
Yes as mentioned in my post, the iPhone battery drains pretty fast if you play games or tweet a lot : )
cloudia, thanks! : )
bengbeng, no need to envy me, you can get an iPhone too. Or a new camera lens : )
aaronng88, I lost RM672, how to treat you? But if you get the iPhone and subscribe with Digi now, you will save RM672 and you can treat me to satay celup in Melaka! : D
caroline, you prefer Blackberry? But the shape and design so fugly! LOL!
So you will get the Blackberry or iPhone4? I think I will get iPhone 5. Haha!
Buy another phone with RM672? No way!! I rather spend it on 672 McD's sundae cones! : D
reanaclaire, I doubt Digi will give me any incentive! : )
khengsiong, LOL!! That's meant to be a joke belittling all other smart phones! Haha!
For me, Digi's coverage is OK if you do not travel around Malaysia. Certain places no line, but it's the same with Maxis too. As for internet coverage, I think Streamyx wifi is still the best!
borneo falcon, thanks! : )
jasonmumbles, so you are getting iPhone 4 or other smart phones?
wenn, yes you should! iPhone will change your life! : )
SK, cannot decide which phone to get? Let me decide for you - get iPhone! Haha!!
Dreaming of a brand new iPhone FOC? Stay dreaming OK! : )
che-cheh, only need a phone to call home? You don't want to tweet, surf internet, watch YouTube, update your FB, listen to iPod, play games, blog without your laptop? Then you don't need iPhone : )
iamthewitch, lesson learnt - never be early birds when it comes to digi or even maxis!!
merryn, haha yes I do chat on msn and YM but with a different set of friends, not with blogger friends. LOL!! You want me to add you? Let me think first. Hahaha!!
Not sure about iPhone4's alarm mode, sorry!
mNhL, yeah no point crying over spilt milk! *sob*
im more outdates i dont even own one till now.. haha..
and these tech thingy, the later the cheaper =)
eastcoastlife, don't think too long...get an iPhone now!!! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you too! : )
bananaz, err...strawberry is a fruit unlike a blackberry. Correct me if I'm wrong! Haha.
So you watched that panda video? Haha, Never say NO to Panda! Muahaha!!
vernon, yes I love the iPhone! Thanks for visiting! : )
shingo T, haha!!I am already on the dark side. Help!!!
mei teng, yes I already used iPhone since a few months back, but only blogged about it now, haha!!
Why are you not jumping onto the bandwagon yet? It will change your life! : )
now you are also in the iphone gang? sianzzzz. . . ..
gabriel,go get an iPhone! You will not regret it! : )
ken, still no iPhone yet? Quick! Go get one!! Yeah, the later the cheaper but also the out of date : )
taufulou, so I reckon you are not into iPhones? Too bad bro : )
too bad about the rm672. but how is digi's service & coverage?
i am still a poor student... cant afford to have iphone >< or i dont need it because i always travel here and there... lol better wait for iphone 5 by end of 2011 :) after my first salary or... etc
Olla foong. Syiokkk tuuu!!
Hehe.. yeh wth smart phones, everything is about the smart phones , but with IPhone - everything is about "i" @ me.. hehehe
Since i am using an old smart phone, i am taking the "Smartphone will make feel smart.." LoL
Aha, that Com pas feature is really awesome.
I want to buy a new handphone, but my pocket tells me i can afford it. Hehehe. Later, in the future perhaps : )
Happy thursday : )
Everyone with an iPhone will eventually look at their phone and ignore everyone around them o.o
that is what I see in singapore haha!
So I branded it, isolation idiot :P. wahaha!
Why not the iPhone 4? If I ever join the group if iPhone, I would probably get that :).
doc, digi's coverage is OK, depending on location. But for internet connection, I think streamyx wifi still the best.
fufu, OK wait for iPhone5! : )
restnrileks, taking the "smartphone will make me smart"? LOL!! OK, get iPhone 5 then : )
I still haven't caught on to the IPhone euphoria. Hmmm, my new job, I will be given a Mac to use, I'm already feeling gay thinking about it....NOooooooooooooo! :-D
sobs :(
don't you just hate when a provider lower the price he day after you subscribed or made a purchase. :o.O
congrats on your new gadget.
sigh, me too. Digi made me feel stupid of owning iphone 3gs at RM88 per month.
Hey...you are an iPhone endorser eh. ^_^
Nice iPhone that you have there but I won't buy. I am such a cheapskate eh.
Oh Oh now only I know you bout IPhone 3... Still good mah... I dont have!
wow how i wish to have mine soon
hubs ended up using my iphone coz I am always just at home and hardly even meet up with clients so no need for cool gadgets