2. I find it harder and harder to blog hop nowadays. There are simply too many distractions. After reading one blog post, I started to check out my Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and even what's showing on Astro before hopping to another blog. Total failure!
3. What's the big deal about iOS7? Not really a big deal to me. Cos I am only having iPhone 3GS. Time for an upgrade perhaps?

4. Finally, Superman no longer wears underwear! Hahaha!!

5. Congratulations to Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng for winning the Walter Scott Prize for his historical novel The Garden Of Evening Mists. Have you read this book?
6. Talking about books, have you read Amy Chua's Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother? That's such a good enjoyable read of a book and I highly recommend it if you want to know how a modern Chinese American mother brought up her two daughters.
7. I noticed a lot of new burger outlets springing up in Klang Valley and elsewhere in Malaysia. Do we really need so many burger joints?

8. How much on average do you spend on food everyday? Is food your biggest expenses every month?

9. OK, here's some shameless self-promotion. Do take note yeah?

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10. That's it for today. My 33rd Random Notes. Wonder when will I reach my 100th Random Notes! I hope you enjoyed reading all these randomness! Have a great day!