According to the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, the definition of "inception" is an act, process, or instance of beginning or a commencement.
Yes, unless you are from another planet, you would have already heard about this much hyped and talked-about movie of the summer or probably the year.
Last year, Avatar blew me away. This year, it is without exception, Inception.
OK, before I go on, there are spoilers ahead. So if you have not watched this movie, read no further. But you might want to watch the awesome trailer below if you have not already done so.
I had attempted no less than three times to catch this movie. The first time something came up and I had to call it off. The second time, I had an unexpected urgent family matter to resolve. Finally, last night I succeeded in watching the movie in the best seat at the best cinema in KL.

Very briefly and without giving away too much of the plot, Inception is about a person called Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio of Titanic and Shutter Island fame) who can can enter the dreams of others to steal or obtain information that is otherwise inaccessible.
This ability had cost him coveted things and made him into an international fugitive. However, he is offered a chance at redemption in the treacherous world of corporate espionage.
But the interesting thing is instead of stealing information, Cobb and his team of specialists now have to do the exact opposite, and that is to plant an idea into the target's mind.

There were some pretty impressive scenes in the movie. One was the tall buildings folding into each other and the other was the slow motion destruction exploding around two people sitting at a street cafe.
But what I really liked about the movie is the fact that it made you work your brain cells more than usual. I would definitely not recommend this movie after a long hard day at work. Unless you are just watching it for the special effects and cool stunts without bothering to understand the story.
For the first time since Matrix, here is a movie that leaves you with things to discuss and debate long after you left the cinema hall. Yes, it is that engaging. I would say Inception is an original and contemporary sci-fi action film with deep, heavy stuffs that will either make you feel like you are not as smart as you expect yourself to be, or you are way smarter than you are! Haha!
There were no boring moments in the movie, at least to me, and in fact, it was one hell of a ride from beginning to the end. Scenes after scenes gripped me, not letting me go and at times left me totally speechless.

Leonardo DiCaprio did an excellent job as Cobb with his good acting skills and emotional depth. I liked him in Shutter Island and it was the same here.
I also like Ellen Page who played Adriane, the architect being trained by Cobb, with much subtle sophistication.
And Joseph Gordon-Lewitt is the major scene stealer as Cobb's assistant, Arthur. He looked ultra cool in all those anti-gravity and Matrix-like moves!
Marion Cotillard was also superb as Cobb's deceased wife, Mal, a central character in the movie.
In fact, all the actors and actresses did a good job in this movie and were perfectly cast for their roles. And of course director Christopher Nolan deserves a standing ovation for this brainchild of his!

For those of you who have watched Inception, did the movie leave you with many questions?
For instance, did you know why Arthur blew up the lift?
Why they could resuscitate Fischer Jr after he was shot dead by Mal but could not save Saito in the same way?
Why did Saito appear so much older than Cobb in limbo?
If Cobb and Mal grew old together in limbo, how come they looked young again when they attempted to kill themselves on the railroad tracks?
It took me some time to grasp the concept and answer the questions above. So I guess I was not smart enough for Inception!

As if these were not enough to keep your brain working overtime throughout the movie, it came with an unexpected surprise ending. So the biggest question that will remain unanswered will be.... Is Cobb still in the dream world in the end?
An almost perfect movie to keep you debating for hours or even days, I am rating Inception at 8.5 out of 10 points. Comes highly recommended and certainly, one of the better movies this year! Don't miss it!
nice movie!! :D haha finally u watched it. LOL
Sigh! Since the 2 kids came along, I don't even got a chance to step into the cinema. Maybe can buy the pasar malam DVD. hehe
I will not be catching this movie. Not in the mood for serious movies that requires one to work up the brain cells...hehe.
So you got my comment on Twitter about growing old together? I also offered you a job as an architect for my next dream, which was Ariadne's role in the movie. Then we talked about your car insurance because of the car chase in the 1st level dream shared by the majority of the main characters.
haha, finally i have a chance to feel that my English is better than yours - because i know the word inception~~ :p
i wanted to watch this.. supposedly last weekend, but not able to get any tickets..
just few days ago, i saw the making of this movie.. leonardo is so plump already! love him to bits when i saw him in Titanic for the first time.. hahahaha...
ok, hope to catch this movie this weekend...
so i watched Despicable Me instead!! this is so damn funny, i really enjoy watching that.. hahahaha :D
ok, but still i hope i can enjoy watching Inception.. hope i can understand what the movie is trying to say.. :p
i watched the trailer already.. am impressed by the CG.. the streets and buildings are folding up like a piece of paper..
I think it would b a great movie. A must watch. Leonardo is definitely a good actor, i like him in blood diamond.
just back from that movie...hmmmm i still thinks the movie have a lot of room for improvements..may be it's just me but i felt the movie is too short to describe things well enough...and dicaprio tries too hard in certain scenes
many ppl said like sibeh difficult to understand the movie leh..true ar?
the trailer looks interesting. but Leonardo Dicaprio make me lost interesting. However your synopsis makes me want to watch it.
looks interesting..must get to watch it.
i havent watched it =/
I cant read your post... Just the first and the last part. haha! Yeah, been watching the trailer too many times and am curious about the movie. Will definitely watch it soon.
Aha, finally you watched it. Good to hear that you like it.
I agree with you on Arthur, he looked ultra cool with all those ala-matrix moves.
I think there were too many things to be introduced in that film, but knowing it was almost a-three-hour movie, the director did a great job.
So we need to do some homework before watching it? Or else we can't understand the it?
we haven't watched any movie since my last few months of pregnancy and up to this point. We just buy the dvd since hubs love to collect films. This one seems interesting but maybe just rent it first and decide later on if we will buy.
after reading this review of yrs i definitely must not miss this movie... it sounds great
Yeah, I heard that it's something like the Matrix. Will watch it!
caroline ng, yes I finally watched it! : )
mNhL, haha! You should buy original DVD! : )
soo ching pin, thanks for the job offer but I don't think I am qualified to be an architect for your dream! LOL!!
SK, you sure or not you knew the word Inception? Haha!
Oh! I have yet to watch Despicable Me! OK, will watch it soon!
Yes, go watch Inception! : )
reanaclaire, yes Leonardo is fatter now haha! But I prefer his acting now compared with his Titanic days : )
chris lim, yes this is a must watch and yes, Leonardo is a really good actor! : )
eric lee, so what is your rating? Of course there is room for imporvement otherwise I would rate it 10/10! LOL!!
manglish, well depends how smart you are ; )
ghostly nana, why did Leonardo makes you lose interest in the movie? He's such a fine actor! : )
wenn, yes go watch! : )
ken, go watch it! : )
cashmere, why you could not read my post? Slow internet connection?
Incik RestNrilekS, yeah I also think the director did a good job despite the time limit. I agree - too many things to introduce in the movie.
Haha! Yeah, Arthur looks pretty cool rite? : )
khengsiong, oh no no! No need to do any homework before watching! Best to watch it before reading any reviews. Oops! You already read mine. LOL!!
Anyway, just go watch it! Half the fun is figuring out what the heck is happening while watching it : )
ayie, no movies for last few months! Gosh! Oh you watched DVD? Well, then watch this on DVD then : )
bengbeng, go watch it! : )
chrisau, yes go watch it but don't expect it to be like Matrix : )
can't wait to see it!
Aloha from Waikiki, Foong
Comfort Spiral
haven't watched any movie for 4 years now, whatever free time we have I chose to enjoy outdoors and somehow, I can not sit for a movie anymore, but will keep this in mind when there is no choice but sit indoors at home. thanks for sharing.
thanks for the spoiler. i will go watch end of this month. will look forward to answer all those question.
I simply adored it! Definitely 2010 movie of the year! Freaking awesome!
lost by 24 votes, thankz so much
thank you
I rate this movie above Matrix. :)
Now you convinced me. ^_^
Okie dokie, I will watch this movie.
I shall skip this post as i haven't watch it yet~
yeah...geng ler...dream within a this movie idea... nice movie indeed ,,,, how come caroline always be 1st commenter
The pic looks like a scene out of matrix.
wow! i must watch this...
i watched eclipse few day ago..
plan to watch sorcerer next week...
then this one :)
Brother, I cant read your post cos I havent watch the show lah.. You said got spoilers what.. lol! ;P
You should've checked out the links that I tweeted this week about those Inception-related questions, which I think answers most of it.
This one in particular -
Thanks for the details of the film.I am yet to catch it.Saw the trailer.Would definitely watch it sometime soon and yeah on one of my off days.I also heard that it's a heavy film and also some people didn't understand much of it too.I have liked The Dark Night a lot.Hope this will be equally good,if not better.
I haven't watched the movie yet but saw the trailer, it was really very interesting and after getting these reviews from you I would definitely go and watch it.Its a different type of story I hope people will like it...Thanks for sharing the story with us...
There was nothing that could place this movie in any time period. Even the clothing is designed rather fashion-agnostically.
I asked what inception meant when I first heard of it too. Looks like it has lots of graphics going on. I don't mind graphics as long as the story is good. I will probably wait for the DVD to release as watching movie here is expensive, equivalent to about RM51 per person.
Thanks for mentioning about SHutter Island too. I watched it on a flight. When a movie makes me guess and keep guessing, it is good :o)
I hardly able to watch movies in the cinema. But thanks anyway for telling us about this movie. I will wait for the DVD to appear.
Sounds like one not to be missed. Thanks for the review. At a glance, that second picture could pass for a location in our very own Bkt Bintang area. No?
morning foong!
I haven seen dis yet but from the sound of it, I think it will be better than Avatar, now can't wait to watch! :)
Have a good week, Monday blues... :)
I think you are reading that wrong, when they get into the kidnapping dream and are met with heavy resistance they make a point to say that Fisher had hired people to train his subconscious to defend against theft.
wanted to watch it on fri noon, and it was full house! :( guess another day then
So you succeeded in watching the movie at last. It was a fabulous come back by Leonardo. I enjoyed watching the film especially watching Leonardo in a different role. Thanks for providing the video caption. Bye.
cloudia, go watch it! : )
betchai, wow! Haven't watched movies for 4 years? You are such an outdoor person! Haha!
isley chang, yes go watch it and come back to answer all these questions : )
gallivanter, haha! Yes, it's freaking awesome! : )
bananaz, oh you are talking about Blog Idol? Haha! Well, you are still on the podium so it's still good yes? : )
che-cheh, wow! You rate Inception above Matrix? Hmmm, for me, I still think Matrix is better although Inception is quite close : )
ishmael, glad I convinced you! Go watch and tell me what you think! : )
kelvin, go watch it and come back to read : )
vialentino, yeah nice movie indeed! Why Caroline always first commenter? I have no idea - go ask her! : )
quirky-malaysia, yes indeed! : )
faisal, go watch it! To me, this is hundred times better than Eclipse. Haha!
cashmere, never mind, go watch the movie and come back to read : )
synical, thanks for the link! I think I have sorted out most of the questions : )
web design solutions, go watch it and tell me if you understand it : )
eva, you are welcome. Enjoy the movie! : )
hanging lamps, haha, interesting observation : )
ai shiang, if you like Shutter Island, you will like Inception : )
willie aka reptoz, no time to go to the movies? I guess DVD is better than nothing! : )
happysurfer, you are welcome. Like Bkt Bintang? Not really. Haha!
mariuca, I won't say it is better than Avatar. Both are different types of movies. I like both! : )
hanging lamps, really? I think I must this movie again! Haha!
xin, yeah, I had to buy the tickets in advance for the best seats in the house : )
vernon, yes love Leonardo in this movie! : )
oh my i haven't watch this film yet but i heard a lot of positive reviews about this movie...
The heist team quite neatly maps to major players in a film production. Cobb is the director while Arthur, the guy who does the research and who sets up the places to sleep, is the producer. Ariadne.
after the movie, i was like "f*** what's the ending all about?!!" pay RM10 and still need to think!