If you are forced to give up one, which would you give up first?
According to the latest Reader's Digest global survey, 11 out of 15 countries say they would turn off the TV before they would silence their mobile phone or log off the internet.

Surprisingly, China leads the pack with the most respondents saying they rather turn off the TV than their mobile phone or computer. Possibly the Chinese people are more into online TV nowadays? Singapore takes second place, while Italy is third.

Interestingly, Brazil is the only country that choose to give up the Internet and by a huge margin too. Brazil has some of the lowest rates of Internet users in the world with just 35 users per 100 people compared to USA which has 72. This could be due to the high cost of hooking up to the Internet in Brazil which is about $26 a month compared with just $7.40 in Germany.

As for giving up the mobile phone, Canada tops the list as Canadians pay some of the highest rates for their mobile phone plans. Germany comes in second, followed closely by UK in third place.
As for me, I think it will be a very tough decision to make. The fact is, I cannot survive without all three!
I have to say that my mobile phone is an essential item to me. I would feel lost if I don't have my mobile phone with me when I am away from home. If I ever leave my house and forget to take my mobile phone, I would drive all the way back home to get it. So yes, I cannot live without my mobile phone!
That leaves me with either the TV or the Internet. Well, as you all know I love to blog! Blogging is my passion. And there are so many other things I can do online like chatting, watching YouTube videos, surfing the net and playing games (though I seldom play games) I just don't think I am ready to give all these up!
So I guess it will have to be the TV. Besides, I don't have much time for TV. And some of the TV shows can be watched online anyway. Oh, I would miss my favourite Hong Kong TVB series, but I can easily rent or buy the DVDs and play them on my computer.
So, yes! If I am forced to choose, I will definitely give up TV!
What about you?
Definitely can! But without those stuff, there will be more inconveniences in life!
I hardly watch tv these days...
Waaaa Mei Teng so fast! Never been FC yet in foong's entries! hahaha
Ok I go read the entry now first :P
yo foong foong.... im not a tv guy also... and internet is like... oxygen to me..... :D
omg my comment is missing T___T stupid internet! *kicks*
Oh god! It hates me! I typed the comments for the 4th time and it keeps cancelling it! Grrrrr!
Ok 5th try!~
I say I would throw the tv out. I barely watch the tv nowadays anyway. I only watch itv when I am having dinner while my mom watches her series, I watch with her. I watch my DVDs on my computer now too! The comfortable space of my own. Teehee~
Mobile I can live without I think... but people who can't locate me would go insane! hahaha. Though of course when we need the pay phone, we can't find one. Ok so mobile phone is essential now.
Internet is a definitely no way to throw out! I am a gamer, gamers can't live without internet. Besides, without the tv internet can give me tv too! So internet for the win!
So say bye bye to tv :P.
first priority, internet,
seoond priority also internet
third priority must have internet!!
this is my answer.. hahaa..
I can live without TV but not internet and cell phone!
I will choose mobile phone. I dun use it so often if compared to tv and internet.
I'm not a TV person so that would be the obvious choice and my cell would be next but take away my internet and all hell will break loose!
I would choose TV too :) Phones with 3G now could replace the internet, or is that counted? :P
I rarely watched tv since i got ethan. so, i'll give up tv. and if i m forced, i'll give up my mobile too.. but dont take my internet away. i'll die!
I don't even own a TV, haha...
Mobile phone and Internet are difficult to ditch, but the former can be replaced by land line to some extent.
It is good to be occasionally offline. I remember I switched off my mobile for one whole week when I joined a meditation class some time ago.
of course internet is the most important, you can do basically anything with it..
TV definitely is the 1st out, follow by phone.. because you can watch tv series from internet, and you can also make calls from internet.. see??
Don't watch TV all that much so TV will be the first one out for me.
Handphone can be switched off also if I know where hubby and son is. That's about the only thing I use my handphone for, anyway.
Internet. I'll have withdrawal symptom for the first two/three days but after that, I'll live. :D
I think both cellphone and internet are equally impossible to live without. They are my everything and all means of communication!
i hardly watch TV nowadays. when i do it's either the news or AI. but then, i'm gonna watch MJ's recorded memorial tonite on TV featuring all the highlights from the memorial service in LA.
Interesting survey results. Thanks for sharing them.
I think Malaysia has one of the highest Internet rates which accounts for the high rate hotels charge for usage of broadband.
On a subject-switch.. Did you stay up to watch the entire memorial service? Right up to about 4am?
its definitely TV that i can live without. I hardly watch any tv programs. hehehe
Can You Live Without The TV, Mobile Phone Or Internet?
Hmm. TV definitely yes, coz I don't have one with me in Kampar.
Mobile phone, only if the internet's down, else I can live without it.
Internet, I'll die without it! LOL~
I can give up all three. I belong to the older generation mah. :)
I dislike using a mobile phone because I can be contacted wherever I am. :(
I can live without TV and mobile phone. Internet is a must for me
wahh without them i will die hehehe
by the way blog idol round 4 just got started
you may want to cast your vote in my blog and choose for the best Love song of the week
have a great day and happy blogging
I do not wanna have the choice....I WANT ALL!
TV is where I get loads of general knowledge.
I dun miond not getting the soaps and comedy satires
But i can't do without my discovery channel.
If you are wondering why i 'm spamming?
Wanted to get a feel as to how it feels like to put soooooo many comments per post like some of your readers!
Gosh, it's really tiring!
i can definitely give up the TV!
in fact, i rarely watch the TV since i came to college 3 years back.. i dont watch the TV unless im at some restaurant or mamak place where TV is provided!
It's like running a marathon .....with no finish line!
I'm nearly out of breath!
oppppps...have i said hi?
even when i go back i rarely watch the TV.. coz im not hooked up with any sitcom or drama series on the TV.. not much television channels interest me.. hehe..
and oh.. i dont think i can live without my computer, Internet and handphone! =)
OMG Anton got the spammer's virus now! LOL
hmm..i cant live without mobile phone and internet..but can live without TV..haha
same like you... tv is the less important compared to others! LOL.
all I can live without, I want my girls only wahahaha
i think i'll die if no internet lor >< even for a few hours also i grumbling d >< haahhaha i cant live without technology.. but i'm not very savvy at it tho =p
can let go of tv, haven't been watching much lately
cp, only for emergency uses and not much in use too
can't drop my internet! I do works, communicate with family and everything here. How can I let go of such thing? On vacations I can =)
I can give up TV, internet but not the handphone. I have 2 handphone so in case I am in a hurry and forgot to charge one of the handphone, the 2nd one comes handy.
I would give up the tv first and the next to would be a very, very, very tough choice. I am addicted to both! LOL!
I can't live without my mobile phone
TV. Then internet. Keep the phone.
As for me...I believe the order of importance would be mobile phone, internet and finally TV! :D Haha. Well...I can't live without my handphone.
I would say TV.
But turn back the clock to 30 years before....if Mobile phone and Internet does not make it today....all of us still survive happily but just don't know each other....
I guess all of these will not become priority if the Mayan Prophecy is true! Haha!
Just my 2 cents.....:)
I can live without TV! No problem. In fact I usually only watch tv for the sake of accompanying my dad and wife. Internet is important but I believe I can live without it. Because in the end...it's not essential to me..at least not right now I guess. I know a lot of people who simply can't live without the WWW! Ha :D
To me...handphone is the most important part. because I need to use it to keep in touch with my dad, bro and wife plus my other close pals. :D So it is the one I can't lose. Hehe
I so can live without TV!
I'm sure it would be hard for me to get away from my high-tech gadgets especially the internet but it's doable. As long as I have good books to read. And besides my energetic toddler keeps me busy all day, he'll be a great distraction from the high tech world.
I am not spamming here. Just saying Hi at 12.54 am.
I would give up TV too!! :-D
TV would def be the first thing I let go. I can't actually remember the last time I sat in front of it for more than 10 mins! Hehehehe
No time lah these days. All the good movies on HBO also somehow can't tempt me. I rather sleep! Hehehe
rofl @ Anton! Well, now you know how it feels! Yea sometimes I wonder too! and don't lie Anton! I know you're just increasing your count in foong's top ten commentors list!
mei teng, ya lah, so inconvenient without the TV, mobile phone and internet. I mean, we are so used to these modern gadgets, and if you suddenly take them all away, I will have a hard time trying to adapt!
Well, looks like I can throw you onto an island with no TV, phones, and internet access, and you will be able to survive! Not bad!
But if I take away your DSLR, will you still be able to survive? Hehe
ladyviral, try again next time. I'm sure you'll get to be FC one fine day! : )
nic, internet is like oxygen to you? Wow! So I throw you onto an island with no internet access, and you'll die? Sad... LOL! : )
ladyviral, wow! Your 5th attempt? I admire your persistence. Haha! Thanks so much for trying again and again. I would have probably given up on my 3rd attempt!
Yes, I agree with you, say bye bye to TV but keep the internet at all costs!! Guard it with your life so that it's not taken away from you! haha!
tita beng, hi five! We are alike! : )
jam, but you can't contact others and others can't contact you without the mobile phone. And how do you get over your sms addiction? Oh, I forgot I am the one with the sms addiction! Haha! : )
nick phillips, like that I don't dare to take away the internet from you, cos all hell will break lose. Hell...that's scary! : )
iamthewitch, yes of course phones with 3G are counted. In fact, there's so many things you can do with the phone right? So yes, TV will be the first to go : )
merryn, now I know how to kill you. Not take away Ethan, but take away internet from you! Muahaha! : )
I am tired and I must say the the communicate gadgets are important!!
LOL! You caught me there all right....hmm take away my DSLR?
I will squash you like an insect! ;) Haha..just kidding. I have to admit that will be kind of tough but if I have to let go..I guess I just have to.
khengsiong, you don't have a TV set? Well, good! Don't waste time watching TV! Haha!
Land lines cannot replace mobile phones. How to sms using land lines? I am a big fan of sms!! : )
Yes I sort of agree that it's good to stay away from the internet and even the mobile phone for a few days. I normally go offline when I go holidays and although I keep my mobile phone on, I will normally not answer any calls unless it's urgent : )
SK, you are absolutely right! You can do almost anything with the Internet, including watching shows and making calls. So TV and mobile phones are unnecessary! But I still need my mobile phone cos I'm not online all the time, and I would need it to sms and make calls when I'm outside my home : )
lina, your handphone only used to communicate with your son and hubby? That's it? What about friends?
I will definitely have withdrawal symptoms if I am offline for more than a day! Haha! But like you said, maybe I'll adapt to it after some time : )
life ramblings, I agree with you handphone and internet are two necessities in life. Not luxuries.
TV can be given up, but I still prefer to have one. I mean, watching shows on TV is so much nicer than watching it on my small laptop! : )
happysurfer, no I did not stay up till 4am, cos gotta work the next day! I stayed up until about 2.30am. At least Mariah Carey came on early - glad I did not miss that. Haha!
I agree Malaysia's Internet access rate is high. But that's not the problem it's the quality that I don't like, although most of the time, I would say it's satisfactory : )
xin, same with me here. Haha!
daydreamer, I guess most bloggers who replied here think that they can give up TV but not the Internet! : )
eastcoastlife, you can give up all three? *gasp!* Wow! I don't think I can!
It's true if you have a mobile phone, you can be contacted wherever you are. Well almost everywhere : )
borneo falcon, you are the same with almost every one who commented here! Looks like Internet is a necessity in our lives : )
bluedreamer27, you will die without all three? Surely without the TV, you can still survive? No?
OK, will drop by your blogs to cast my vote : )
anton, discovery channel - that's a good excuse to own a TV!
Hope you enjoyed your "spamming" experiment here! LOL!
kenwooi, haha! I remember your post on living without computers! That's a good one! : )
twilight zone, you can say that again! : )
imDavidLee, hi 5! You are just like me! : )
brian kinney, yeah, with the internet, TV is becoming less important : )
neo, wow! All you want are girls, girls, and girls? LOL! : )
aaronng88, yeah, it's tough to live without internet and mobile phone. I'm not really tech savvy too : )
ayie, you don't use much of your cell phone? I like to sms on mine. A favourite pastime indulgence! haha!
I agree internet is necessary, so many things can be done with it, but like you I also don't go online while on vacation : )
molly, wow! 2 handphones! I sometimes wonder why people need to carry 2 handphones, now I know! : )
heidi, haha! You're just like me! Gimme a five! : )
willie, same with me! I need my handphone all the time! Except when I go to sleep. I must shut it off to avoid people calling me in the wee hours of the morning! : )
Good evening there foong, i already passed the sms-age, used to do it so much during college. Now I only sms when needed, otherwise my cp's just sitting and waiting =)
a common singaporean, yeah keep the phone. TV can be thrown away if forced to yes? : )
tekkaus, so mobile phone most important to you? And you can live without the Internet?! *gasp!* I thought you are quite addicted to the Internet! No? Well, I guess I'm wrong! : )
robo, haha! If the mayan prophecy comes true, then we can throw away all three! Talking about that, better enjoy my internet and handphone more since 2012 is just 3 years away! : )
eiling, I guess like most of us, you just don't have the time for TV? : )
mira, actually, if I have a good book, I can also give up the Internet! But not forever, just give up for a week, I guess. LOL!
Oh, I'm sure your energetic toddler will leave you little time for anything else! Haha! : )
a common singaporean, well, well, that's nice of you to drop by and say hi at 12.54am. Appreciate it! : )
monica, with 5 hours spent online blogging and playing casino games, I'm sure you have no time for TV! LOL! : )
rozella, only 10 mins! That's a pretty short attention span! Haha!
You have Astro with HBO, and you are not watching TV? Might as well cancel the subsription, no?
I prefer to sleep too. Hehe
ladyviral, haha! Well, Anton is indeed in my Top 10 Commenters right now! : )
TH, yes handphone and Internet are essential! : )
mei teng, wow! So violent! Squash me like an insect? Haha! Looks like better not play around with Mei Teng, or rather her DSLR! : )
ayie, if you are living in Malaysia, I don't mind sms-ing you like 30 times a day. haha!!
i don't mind it either if you want to sms me foong, I'll gladly reply =) but it will cost more on your part hehe
One thing I want to make sure I'll do when we finally set foot on Malaysia is to try to meet all of you guys =)
i want to be connected to all ... already created for our usage, why not use it to the max
yes im addicted into watching tv... hehe
All i need in this life of sin is Internet. Since I came to Japan I hardly watch TV anymore anyway. And if you have internet you can watch TV and send emails so you can go without a TV or phone :P
I will give up anything except my Wifey. =p
Oh, I have to choose between these 3 choices?
Then I will give up TV and mobile phone. With the Internet, there's tons of stuffs you can do. Youtube can replace some of the TV, while MSN and email can replace the telephone.
Can't live without the internet. I'm practically married to it. :P
Wait, is the internet a guy or gal? :P
ayie, I will only sms you if you stay in Malaysia, otherwise the phone bill will kill me! Haha!
Yes, can meet up when you come to Malaysia. Just let me know when : )
johnny ong, aiya, if like that, I also want all 3! But the question now is, if you are forced to give up one, which one will you give up first? : )
bluedreamer27, you are really addicted to TV, aren't you? : )
prometheus, yes I agree with you except on the phone part. I need the mobile phone when I'm out and especially when I'm not connected to the internet! : )
shingo T, wah! So loyal to your wife? Not bad! But yes, your wife is not in the equation here. Haha! : )
shingo T, wah! So loyal to your wife? Not bad! But yes, your wife is not in the equation here. Haha! : )
JL, married to the Internet? Guy or gal also never mind lah, cos both also can what, no? : )
Lol, I can't marry a guy in Malaysia mah :P
JL, don't worry. I believe the Internet is a girl. Just like the planet earth : )
for sure not this soon foong...if my parents end up visiting me next year here then I don't have to go back home for a visit. It's easier to go to M'sia from Phils.
ayie, no problem, just let me know whenever you intend to visit Malaysia! : )
yup i do... i was easily hook by a tv show especially anime and fantasy... hehehe too childish isnt?
sure foong, my pleasure!
If there is no TV, mobile phone and internet... For me it is end of the world liao...