Everyone is talking about who will get booted out every week. Yes, ask anyone who watch this reality show and they will tell you all about their favourite contestants and who they want out of the show!
That's why I'm not going to blog about the contestants. I mean, I don't really care who gets booted out actually, because from past seasons, we've only seen two winners that were really successful in the recording business and they are Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. So it would seem that winning the title don't quite guarantee you success as a recording artiste.
So what am I going to blog about today regarding American Idol? The judges, or course!
There are currently four judges on the show and they are, in no particular order of importance, Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell.

Now here's my take on the judges. I think Simon Cowell is the best judge. Most of the time, he does give very honest and accurate judgment. Although he can be quite harsh, what he says usually makes a lot of sense.
Randy Jackson is OK as a judge although sometimes I don't quite agree with him! Many may not like that he seems to be overly concerned with pitching, but I think it's really important for a singer to sing in pitch! Any singer who does not sing in pitch should not be a singer at all!
Paula Abdul makes an absolutely lousy judge to me. Half of the time, I do not get what she's talking about! She doesn't make much sense and I don't think her advice is of any help to the contestants! But what she lacks in being a judge, she makes up for her active dancing during the contestants' performances. Also, her chemistry and funny antics with Simon Cowell surely add more spice to the show. No wonder they still retain her season after season!
As for newcomer Kara DioGuardi, I think she at least gives better and more helpful comments than Paula. However, sometimes her overly long comments kind of irritate me. Maybe she should just keep it short and to the point!
Well, that's just my opinion. How about you? Who is your favourite American Idol judge?
Before I sign off, let me leave you with this current favourite song of mine called "My Life Would Suck Without You" performed by Kelly Clarkson at one of the recent American Idol result shows.
Click here for the lyrics. Happy weekend, everyone! : )
Yeah, I like Simon Cowell the best, love to hear to his comments. Haha.
I didn't follow AI but yeah SC can be pretty harsh, but he's usually right! :-)
missed FC again! >.<
If Simon Cowell is still there then definitely Simon Cowell for a judge! But I like Randy because he's just so cool hahaha!!! xD
Simon Cowell definitely! :)
Simon Cowell. He may be blunt but he speaks the truth w/o mincing his words and they're constructive and straight to the point. Unlike Paula...I can't stand that woman. I hope they drop her as a judge soon. Even Kara's better than Paula.
There will be no fun if Simon Cowell isn't around.
I like Kara better than Paula.
has to be simon. without his, the show would be boring.
Simon Cowell rocks!
he's one of da essential factor that makes AI lively and kencheong okie! :)
I love Simon Cowell~~!!!
haha....straight forward, that's the guy
Simon Cowell all the way. He has this enigma thingy. His comments are always to the point.
I can't stand Paula most of the time. I like Kara second. She gives good advice too.
I like Simon Cowell... he is so direct...
Simon Cowell I say.. He can be really harsh with his words, but like you say he is true to his words. The rest are like "oh whatever" -__-"
Simon Cowell is the heart of the show. Without him, American Idol is nothing..
Simon Cowell rocks! I find my thoughts to be in unison with his. The other judges often compramise, trying not to offend the contestants' feelings. Both Paula and Randy have improved this season tho', partly bcoz of Kara's inclusion.
Adam Lambert rocks! Danny Gokey and Allison is pretty good too.
Have a wonderful weekend! ^_^
I'd have to say my choice would be (in the following order):
i love paula she was the motivator of all the four judges but i love simon due to his comments and how he will react in each song
randy is quite okay and kara was good and its nice to see a judge with a reliable backgroud in music industry
in short i love them all
by the way i just tagged you in my blog hope you can participate on this meme i just created
have a great day and happy blogging
dont worry the tag will starts at april 10 and ends up until may 10 so you can do it if you have time
American what? ;-D
Don't watch the stuff anymore. Got better things to do like watching TVB series back-to-back. Way more interesting to watch some evil woman back stab another at work because of jealousy and how they always seem to wear the same set of clothes throughout the whole series...
~busy, busy Foong who has like 4 different TVB series lined-up to be watched!
i like american idol! whenever im back home, i'll sure watch it!
but im not a hardcore follower of that reality show la.. hehe..
oops.. didnt answer your question.. haha.. my fav judge would be.. SIMON! XD
great lines from him..hehe
My favorite was Paula Abdul and then Kara DioGuardi came in. I kind of knew her before she became the judge. I mean, she's a singer songwriter, I know some of her songs so now she's my favorite! I love the way she shits on Simon LOL.
I don't like any of the winners from AI so far. Adam Lambert is for sure the next American Idol, I can already feel it! He's probably the best out of all the winners too!
My favorite has always been Simon as he says it as it is. However, there are times when the things he say is not very helpful to the contestants (but they do make for great tv though! lol).
And I think that Kara helps balance that part out. She being a singer/songwriter/producer and being from the musical background (as oppose to the businesman that is Cowell), she is able to pinpoint the technical parts of delivering a song. That gives insight to contestants on areas they need to improve.
Foong, you said, we've only seen two winners that were really successful in the recording business and they are Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. So it would seem that winning the title don't quite guarantee you success as a recording artiste.
Not quite true la because they all have recording contracts and stints and Jennifer Hudson is even in the movies. The reason why we hear more of the two ladies is because they have won awards.
As for Kara DioGuardi giving long comments, it's because she is a singer-songwriter and record producer and she knows her stuff. See Wikipedia for
Kara's credits. You may see her in a different light.
I don't have any favorite judge. Each one brings something interesting to the show.
I think Simon is a good judge too, Janet is too forgiving...
daydreamer, me too! : )
monica, so you are following Malaysian Dream Girls more, is it? : )
JL, Randy is cool, alrite : )
iamthewitch, high 5 on that! : )
met teng, yes, Paula gives really lousy comments, but I guess it's good to keep her in the show as she provides some of the fun to the show : )
lina, Kara does give better comments as she knows what she is talking about. Paula does not : )
iamthewitch, high 5 on that! : )
met teng, yes, Paula gives really lousy comments, but I guess it's good to keep her in the show as she provides some of the fun to the show : )
lina, Kara does give better comments as she knows what she is talking about. Paula does not : )
eiling, yes I agree without Simon, the show may not even be worth watching anymore!
annant, totally agree! : )
michi, yes he says it as it is, which is what the contestants need to hear, and not some sugar coating comments from Paula : )
che-cheh, yes, sometimes I can't stand her too. I was quite impatient when she speaks! Because after she finish speaking, I don't have an idea what she spoke! Kara definitely knows her stuff! : )
TZ, yes direct and to the point! : )
ladyviral, yes totally agree! : )
dragon city, without Simon, the show will fall in ratings! : )
anton, yes you are right. Paula has indeed improved with Kara's presence there. So it's a good thing to bring her in. Yeah, Adam Lambert rocks - to me he's already a superstar! : )
nick phillips, I think your choice is similar to mine! : )
bluedreamer27, you love all the judges? Wow! : )
Oh no, not another tag!!! But thanks anyway!
foong speaks her mind, haha! I watch TVB series too! But I must be careful cos can get pretty addictive until I ignore my sleep! : )
kenwooi, I'm not a hardcore follower too. Just watch it when I watch it. Usually I will catch the first few parts before the final 12 or 13, and then I will slack a bit, until the final 4 or 5 - that's when I watch it religiously! : )
Most comments here favoured Simon over all the other judges : )
halfcrazy, yes I know about Kara before she became AI judge too. She's a pretty good songwriter. She definitely gives better and more constructive comments than Paula. But what is it about Paula that you like?
How come you don't like any of the AI winners? I like both Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. They are both great singers! But I also like non winners like Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson : )
Yes, I have a feeling Adam Lambert will be the next AI unless something goes seriously wrong somewhere! : )
perky, yes I agree that sometimes what Simon says does not help the contestant. But most of the time, if the contestants listen to his advice, they will improve. Unless they can no longer improve, meaning they are not good enough to be AI winner.
Kara definitely adds in more good advice for the contestants with her background as songwriter and producer. And I like her constructive criticism only thing is sometimes the way she speaks gets on my nerves! : )
happysurfer, that's what I mean - only two winners that are really successful. The others like Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry, are not winners. Yet they achieved great success. So what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be AI winner to be successful as recording artiste.
I knew about Kara being a songwriter and producer before she became judge on AI. I feel she gave good comments and advice. It's just that I don't like she sometimes speak too long and the way she speaks irritate me a little. It's like when she speaks, I will be saying, OK, yes I know what you mean. Yes, I understand. Now are you finished? Cos I want to hear what the next judge got to say! : )
pikey, do you mean Paula? : )
I only watched maybe 2 seasons and not even full...i agree with your assessments. No fave.
I agree with you.. I personally think Simon is the best judge simply because of his honest comments and critics.. and yes, Paula is the lousiest cos I don' understand what she's mumbling half the time.. I can't the judge the new judge though cos I'm not really following this season of AI.
Simon is the face of the show, Paula is the heart, Kara is (hot) new one, and Simon is the face. I have to say my fave is Randy though Kara is growing on me.
Foong, I'll go with what you're saying here: So what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to be AI winner to be successful as recording artiste.
Have patience, my good man - on Kara, I mean. LOL!
Paula and Randy balance up the harshness and cruelty of the show. I'm surprised no one has committed suicide yet from Simon's comments at the auditions - though for audiences (us) he's entertainment in itself. Hey, you never know..about the suicide, I mean. A bit kwa-cheong, eh? haha..
Still, without good ole Simon, AI would be totally different. AI might lose its appeal, esp at the audition stage where he's at his (entertainment value-wise) best.
Oh btw, Happy weekend, Foong. Going to the PC Fair?
AI is definitely no fun w/o simon. i don't think he's mean, he's just being blunt.
I am from another planet :(
simon cowell is the best gay judge ever! i vote for him too.
Hi Foong, my fave is Simon too, he's da coolest lol! ;)
So busy la me nowadays, hope u are doing well on your end. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
Oh yeah I also like this KC song, she rocks! ;)
I like Simon's harsh & honest comments but I think Paula play an important role here to soften up the situation a little.
I love paula abdul as judge coz she boost the confidence of all idols even at their worst performances. i also love simon's judging style because when he gives a comment different from the other judges., it means that is really a talent... to see what other people do not see. have a great day!!!
my vote goes to Simon as well. Randy's ok, though a bit pretentious .. what's with the 'dawg' reference and all ...
Paula's a clown. nuff said.
ayie, only watched 2 seasons?
cashmere, oh,we have the same thoughts! : )
mystery man, if Simon is the face, and Paula the heart, what is Randy? : )
happysurfer, haha! I don't think anyone will commit suicide just because of being insulted by Simon : )
No, not going PC Fair this year : )
life ramblings, well to those who were criticised by Simon, I'm sure they think he's mean : )
bengbeng, haha! You are an alien then? From which planet? : )
faisal admar, huh? I didn't know Simon is gay?
mariuca, yeah, he's cool! Love this song? Great! Have a nice weekend! : )
renaye, maybe Simon is mellowing with age? LOL!
molly, yes, Paula does indeed have a role to play ie. to soften Simon's criticism : )
colin, yeah I guess Paula does help to encourage the contestants who are down. Btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
J2Kfm, looks like almost everyone here is a fan of Simon Cowell! Haha! Paula's a clown? LOL!
Happy Easter!!!
hahhahahha yeah I'm following MDG more...lol
Hi Foong, good morning! Should I be singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" anytime soon? Or should I wait till the weekend? ;)
I guess I am from another planet. I know American Idol but I never follow the show on tv.
Simon Cowell!!! And I can't stand that dumb-dumb Paula Abdul!
mine is paula abdul
I don't follow AI so no comment. No idea which planet I am from, maybe some cave. :)
Despite what you said about her, I like Paula Abdul.
paula abdul is too emotional ..lol
Hi foongpc, no new blog posts? Came here a few times today hehe. :D
Paula, she doesn't really give constructive criticism. It's either something like "You were awesome!" or "You need improvement." She just helps to keep the level of drama high because she is touched easily, LOL.
I don't know why I like any of the AI winners! Chris Daughtry is acceptable, Jennifer Hudson is one of my AI favorites! Now she's got so much talent I as actually surprised when I heard the songs on her album, which wasn't that good.
It gotta be SImon cowell then! his acid tongue is a joy to watch when it is in action! Ha :D
hehe, just 2 seasons and maybe a glimpse or some others when i channel surf. Too workaholic, not much time for tv I always slip with the program shced. =D
My pick is Simon Cowell. He's almost 99.9% spot on. The rest should just pack and leave... hehe
bluedreamer27, happy easter to you too! : )
monica, haha!
happysurfer, well, now that I'm replying to your comment I'm already back from my holidays! : )
jam, I guess you are not a big fan of AI then : )
suituapui, Paula Abdul a dumb dumb? haha!
blogger rise, you like Paula Abdul? But why?
neo, maybe Niah Caves? Haha!
jasmine, really? I mean she's obviously quite a nice person, but as a judge, I really don't think she's contributing much.
kenwooi, maybe that's why they need her there! Haha!
JL, more posts coming up soon! : )
halfcrazy, yes agree with you on Paula. I have not listened to Jennifer Hudson's latest album. So it wasn't good?
tekkaus, you are right! It's pure entertainment to watch Simon in action!
ayie, wow! You are a workaholic? Don't work so hard! : )
nessa, yeah majority voted for Simon here. Guess he's the favourite AI judge! But the rest of the judges no need to leave cos if left Simon only, won't be any fun, right? : )
regardless.... paula sucks.
I don't care who the better judge is. I just watch for pretty judges. =p
*wolf whistles at Paula Abdul*
zewt, haha!
shingo, just watch pretty judges? Hmmm...
You know, I totally agree with your opinion about 4 judges. Simon is the best judge among them and I like new judge (Kara) too as her comments are more to the point than Paula. I don't quite like Randy because sometimes his judgement was really not relevance to the performance of contestants.
money4invest, give me a hi 5! Btw, thanks for dropping by! : )
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