So are you excited to know how?
Then let me be your love guru for today.
Before you read further, let me warn that this is strictly for those of you without any steady boyfriend or girlfriend. If you are married, you can still take this lesson but do not act them out other than with your spouse, although I don't see what's the point really.
OK, let's begin. Here are 3 foolproof methods to get anyone falling heads over heels in love with you!
Method No.1 – Gaze into the person’s eyes
Did you know that gazing into a person’s eyes can actually make the individual fall in love with you? I’m not exaggerating here. In 1989, an experiment (Kellerman, Lewis and Laird) was conducted whereby two opposite sex strangers were asked to gaze into each others’ eyes for 2 minutes. The conclusion? Passionate feelings were produced between the two strangers.
You can try this with the person you want to attract! When having conversation with your intended person, look him or her directly in the eyes when speaking and listening. Don’t look elsewhere! This way, you can engage this method without being obvious!
Now that you know this, if you ever find someone keep gazing into your eyes while talking to you, then you know he or she is trying to attract you. So if you do not want to fall for him or her, you had better look away!
Method No.2 – Bring along an attractive person of the opposite sex
When you want to meet the person you wish to attract for the first time, bring along an attractive person of the opposite sex with you. The person you wish to attract will feel less confident with herself as she compares herself with the attractive person accompanying you.
Approaching her when she is not feeling very confident will make you appear more attractive to her. This is natural human behaviour. We often feel others more attractive when we feel less confident with ourselves. This is the time to be flirtatious and friendly with her!
Logically speaking, do not of course, attempt to bring a friend of the same sex as you and who is more attractive than you. The person you want to attract may end up attracted to your friend instead!
However, this does not mean you should bring someone very unattractive with you, whether he or she is of the same or opposite sex. The person you wish to attract may associate you with him or her and find you unattractive. This is known as the Law Of Association in human behaviour.
Method No. 3 – Make use of emotional arousal
This tactic alone may get you more dates than any new hairstyle or outfit or job!
Have you ever seen a mismatched couple before – where the wife is good looking, but the husband is extremely unattractive, or the other way around?
They probably met somewhere when the better looking husband or wife was nervous, apprehensive or excited.
You see, when we are nervous or excited, our body produces adrenaline. In fact, any state of heightened arousal like fear, excitement and even exercise produces adrenalin. Anytime a person is aroused, his arousal will in part be attributed to whomever he is with. This is the foundation of human behaviour.
So if you want to attract someone, try and do it when you are both in a situation where he or she is emotionally aroused.
Using one of the methods above will give you a better chance to make that someone fall in love with you. Use all 3 methods and you are almost certain to succeed in getting him or her to fall head over heels in love with you!
Did I come up with all these? I hope I did, but unfortunately, no. Even a love guru has his own guru. And my guru is David J. Lieberman, PhD who authored this book called "Get Anyone To Do Anything", which is where I got all these information from.

Perhaps you may want to get this book as it teaches you more than just making anyone fall in love with you, though that's a good start, don't you agree?
Dude, the 3 methods do make sense... have you tried it yourself? What's the result ... can share share a bit :-p
Hey Foong, you probably tried these eh? Which method worked the best? LOL
I have a cousin in CA who is single if you're interested. LOL
Method No. 1 - the girl whom you are trying to attract will think you are very humsub.
Method No. 2 - the girl will think you are not sincere.
M curious too..did you try this out??
For me, it's all being yourself and keep it real..:) The words "just say what you need to say" by John Mayer brings to mind that sometimes in love or any life just got to say what you need to say to that someone..whether they be family, spouse, friend etc.
Now, that's an interesting post but I'm happily married so I won't know if they're true or not ... hehehe ...
TZ, actually no. haha! I just read this from the book and share with you all. I was hoping maybe you can try it out and share with me instead! LOL
babette, no I have not tried this. Probably someone else had tried it on me. LOL! Your cousin - is she attractive or not? : )
khengsiong, method no.1 - I guess you don't make it so obvious lo.
method no.2 - the girl won't even realise you are using this technique, unless you tell her : )
my bug life, actually what you said is correct. Be yourself and say what you need to say. What I'm sharing are some "sneaky" psychological techniques to make someone fall in love with you, though I have yet to try it! : )
nick phillips, well you may want to try it out just for fun. Haha! : )
wow, foong..very very interesting post! Got us both really pondering on the 3 points you made.. Haha.
Take our ur purple nots (RM100) and use to fan urself...and use one to light up your cigar!!! Guarantee this will work!!! LOL!!!
Hmmm...let's see...
Method no. 1 will probably creep me out.
Method no. 2 will probably make me walk away because I am not interested with a guy who's taken.
Method no. 3 will only work at that moment but once the moment has passed, the other person is probably forgotten. Remember the Wedding Crashers movie?
And finally, I am happily married but that's not how we fell in love. It all starts with friendship and understanding which TAKES TIME.
**The Other Foong**
Thanks for the kaolui tips!
Nice tips! Hehe
I like the first one.
I will look more into the eyes next time... :)
well, i wld have dated that attractive person that i brought along ..... to a nice and better place
forget abt the less attractive one haha
For a minute, I thought it was a review for the movie Love Guru.
You make all the readers so curious. Maybe you should do an experiment to verify the results hehe
twosuperheroes, thanks! But you two better not practise these techniques! : )
suituapui, haha! Is that how you got yourself a wife? LOL
the other foong, haha! Thanks for your comments! Friendship + Understanding + TIME = Marriage? : )
neo, sure. Now make sure you put them into practice! : )
leo, just don't make it too obvious or she'll feel uncomfortable : )
johnny ong, haha! You got a point there : )
acura, oh yes the movie - I have yet to watch it, have you? Maybe I should try it, yes : )
I tried not to make anyone fall in love with me..LOL!!!
hey not bad these 3 methods you pluck out from that book.....
i might go and get one to read :D
hope those methods work!! Haha.. i will try it!! ^_^
I guess tactic no 2 is very subjective. it might work or it might send the wrong signals. I have my own set of guide. Sometimes, it's just better to go with the flow than rather force yourself to do something which is totally not you. but then again, a lil bit of professional help is always better.
i don't agree with method 2. there is nothing funny about trying to make another person feel belittled. you're using their weaknesses, which is mean, very mean! *objects*
I am a firm fan for the first method! The other 2 may try in the near future, hehe.
love requires that special spark but more importantly, stay true to yourself and your sense of style should reflect your personality. believe in yourself.
i'm happily attached, so i don't need any guidelines.:D
He he very the interesting la Foong, esp method 2! :)
monica, you mean to say people fall in love with you easily? No need these techniques then : )
lisa, yeah go get the book : )
victor kiu, try it and let me know the results! : )
eiling, yes better to go with the flow but using some of these techniques will help. Maybe you should tell me what are are some of your own guidelines : )
levian, it may be a little mean, so don't use it if you are not comfortable with it. In any case, even if you don't use it, others may use it on you : )
jam, go try it then, and let me know the reuslts! : )
life ramblings, good for you! That's why I said this is not for those who are married. Meantime, those singles looking for love may find these techniques useful : )
mariuca, yes I call it "sneaky" haha!
I never try this or if I ever do it it maybe accidentally happen.
Foong, try this:
When you with someone you love or like on a dating, ask her to close her eyes tight and you kiss both eyes. She will think about you forever! Trust me on this. I have been trying this out for years haha!
faisal, oh that's new to me! Thanks for the tips ; )
Thank u very much for yr comment on the accident post. I am indeed lucky. Very lucky. Thank God for that. Damage to the car is just money which can be earned back. I don't like fuss and when she offered to cover everything, I just agreed. It was after all an accident
hmmmm now that I am separated and will one day have to date again these tips are to remember. Will keep these in mind. Great and interesting psot!!
Haha =) I've alrewady have a wife. So I don't need it lor. LOL!
bengbeng, you are welcome : )
health nut wannabee mom, try out these tips and let me know if it works for you : )
tekkaus, haha! Maybe you want a second wife? Just kidding : )
My own guidelines? hmm... maybe I shouldn't reveal it or else I'm not special anymore! ceh... Lol
wow.that is indeed very different from what i normally read!
Thanks for the interesting tips. Must say the second one is quite radical haha! If your other friend is more attractive, then why are you attracted to this not ass attractive person in the first place?
eiling, sharing is caring. Haha! C'monlah, reveal your guidelines in your next post, pleeeease? : )
carrot, so do you intend to use any of these techniques? : )
horizon, you've got a point there. I guess even though that person is more attractive, perhaps you may not have the feelings for him or her. It could be because he or she does not have the same interests as you, or he or she is already married! : )
i'll think about it. lol
wow, this is super! ur a guru indeed! :)
quachee, haha! Not really a guru, juz learnt from a book. LOL!
I can 100% confirm with u dat whoever guy try to use above 3 steps on me, he'll get 0 marks. haha. 1stly, i wont even let ppl to keep on stare or look at me eye to eye. 2ndly, i dnt mind if he is attractive or not. 3rdly, i have no idea. lol
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