I will sometimes purposely drop by Old Town White Coffee or in fact any kopitiam to order my favourite bread with kaya and butter.

Image courtesy of Singapura Daily Photo
It does not matter whether the bread is plain white bread, or whole wheat bread, and whether it is toasted or not. Any bread will do. But kaya alone to go with the bread is not enough. It must be strictly kaya and butter. Or if no butter, at least margarine.
But just ordering two slices of toast with kaya and butter at OldTown White Coffee would set me back by RM2.70 not including taxes! Rather expensive, isn't it?
Might as well I buy my own bread loaf and my own kaya and butter or margarine.
A bread loaf costs only RM2.50, kaya costs RM2.50 and a cup of Planta Soft costs RM5.00. Total RM10.00. But I get to eat the whole loaf which have at least 12 slices of bread and still have some kaya and margarine left!
With that in mind, I went to buy them on my own yesterday and I ate them today!

Here's the Planta Soft on the left and the kaya on the right. Almost finishing already!!

And the bread with generous amount of margarine on one side and kaya on the other, and then eaten with the two sides combined. Heavenly!!

I don't know who discovered this heavenly combination of butter/margarine and kaya! But it is really a marriage made in heaven! Eat either one is good, but eat them both in combination is many times better! Like a synergy of epic proportions!
Anyway, are you a fan of bread with butter/margarine and kaya?
A word of caution : Bread with butter and kaya is unhealthy. Modern bread is a high GI (glycemic index) food which spikes the blood sugar quickly and besides being laden with carbs, has little or no nutritional value. Butter and margarine contain saturated fat and trans fat that causes our body to produce excess cholesterol which clogs up the arteries. Kaya contains coconut milk and sugar which is definitely not good for health.
However, eaten in moderation, it is OK. Just don't indulge too much. Oops! Looks like I'm not qualified to give any health advice here! Cos I'm just going to throw caution to the wind and enjoy more bread with kaya and butter during the weekend! Yum! Yum!
Happy weekend, everyone! : )
For me it's always bread with butter and maybe just a little kaya. I hate too much kaya as it can be overly sweet. Makes a nice breakie with a cuppa tea.
Oh and I like those old school white bread (thick and soft) toasted or steamed.
Btw, I mentioned you in my blog post today ;)
mei teng, for me, I like lots of kaya. Cos I have sweet tooth! Haha.
My name mentioned in your blog? Oh, will check it out now!
Kaya for me too. What an appetising picture!
A loaf of bread for RM2.50 is a good price. What brand is that? I normally eat Gardenia's Wholegrain Fibremeal and that is now at RM3.00. These days, it's butter for me ever since I read that margarine is close to plastic in structure. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet? LOL!
Looks like different people apply the butter/kaya differently. What I do is to apply butter on the entire slice and then kaya over it.
Equally yummy!
Happy weekend too, Foong. Jom Genting Highlands for some fresh air?! haha..
happysurfer, yes that first photo makes me drool!
I bought the bread from a bread shop in Kota Damansara. Can't remember the name of the bread shop though.
You are right - butter is healthier than margarine, although both are unhealthy. Butter contains more saturated fat which is bad for the heart, but margarine contains trans fat which is even worse! Trans fat not only raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) but lowers your HDL (good cholesterol). At least butter has some nutritional value, margarine has none.
As for the margarine being close to plastic structure, I'm not sure if that's the truth. I think it's not really proven.
Oh, you apply the kaya on top of the butter? I know some people do that. Well, I'll eat it no matter how it's done! haha!
Going Genting? I am not sure if the mist I see in Genting will be the mist or a mixture of mist and haze! That's the problem! Though it'll definitely be cooler and more comfortable there! : )
I take kaya and butter on a toasted bread. Taste nicer with toasted bread
Yummy! I love that kind of sandwich too with butter and kaya or "matamis na bao" as what we call it here in some parts of the Philippines. Though truly not advisable for diabetics.
I enjoy eating the kaya bread at Old Town White Coffee too and especially the yummy milk tea.
Singapore has the Old Town White Coffee chain, owned by Jack Neo and Mark Lee. :)
The prices in Singapore are more expensive orh.
I lobe toasted bread with kaya and Butter spread out. I prefer salted pure butter by the way, they are much healthier compared to margarine. Ooooh making miss bread now.. and yet I have eaten such a full lunch, I am about to hurl :s.
and that is love.. not lobe.. :P hehe~
borneo falcon, yes some people love toasted bread a lot! For me, any bread will do! : )
Oh and by the way, saturated fat are those that be easier to digest I was told... trans fat are those that our liver cannot handle... o.O though I am not sure lol. But butter for the win :p.
tita beng, oh, that's how you call it in the Philippines? Yes, truly not for diabetics, I have to agree! : )
eastcoastlife, yes their bread with kaya and butter very nice, right? I crave for it every time I pass by an Old Town White Coffee shop! The milk tea is very nice too, yes!!
What?! Jack Neo and Mark Lee own the Old Town White Coffee chain in Singapore? Didn't know that! So they must be super rich what with all the money earned from movies as well!
I don't think I will eat at Old Town White Coffee in Singapore as the prices so expensive! Some more after convert to my local currency, can eat at expensive restaurants here already! Haha!
ladyviral, haha! For a moment I thought if 'lobe' is a new word I have yet to learn! LOL!
You are correct to say butter is healthier than margarine. I'm not sure about which one tasted better since this is up to individual taste, but butter is definitely less damaging to our body : )
Margarine and those half-fake butters eg. Buttercup will just not do! I insist on pure butter with my kaya bread. LOLZ
Btw, old town kopi is so kiamsiap, their kaya is so little. I like to my bread slapped on with a thick layer of kaya and butter! ^_^
anton, wow you so fussy! Must be 100% pure butter?
I agree Old Town White Coffee not so generous with their kaya. That's why I buy my own kaya and apply generous amount to my bread! Haha!
foongfoong!!! i like yin yeong too!! but maybe not as much as u la... i actually prefer tuna + butter :D
Do you know Old Town White Coffee's tagline? 'Take your time'.
It doesn't just sell food, or service for that matter. Like Starbucks, it sells 'experience'. You can't compare it to mamak stores.
nic, tuna and butter is nice too! But to satisfy my sweet tooth, I go for kaya and butter! haha!
im never a fan of butter :(
prefer kaya, or choc or peanut butter...that's what i call...heavenly! :)
I like bread with kaya & butter. But most of the days I'll just go with bread & kaya. Humongous amount of kaya that is hahaha. Reason not taking butter because lazy to wash the oily knife, takes time to spread butter on bread (you can see how lazy I am now eh)... since kaya is good nuff for me.
Happy weekend!
khengsiong, I honestly didn't even notice their tagline. LOL!
Well, I know I'm paying the extra money for the ambience (although some Old Town outlets seriously lack that ambience!) that's why I decide to buy my own bread and kaya to save money!
And talking about ambience, Old Town is definitely much cheaper than Starbucks! : )
I have always enjoy kaya and butter or margarine! But...the kaya must be made by my mum lor. If not..I don't really like to eat it outside..I mean at the Kopitiam etc. :D
Maybe I will eat it again after I learn my mum's secret recipe. :D
annant, hey I like peanut butter with bread too! Yummy! I also like ice cream with bread. Double yummy!! : )
che-cheh, humongous amount of kaya? Haha! Same with me! I don't like it if the kaya is spread too thin!
Wah! You eat also so lazy one? I thought you need to wash that spoon to spread the kaya? So might as well wash the oily knife for the butter together! Or just use one spoon to spread the butter and the kaya. That's what I do normally. Haha!
But seriously, kaya + butter is so much nicer! : )
yeah i love homemade kaya... with the steamed roti =p huuuhhoooo yumyum
tekkaus, what is your mum's secret recipe for the kaya? I know I have tasted home-made kaya before and it was so delicious I can practically eat the kaya on its own out of the jar with a spoon!
Next time, courier your home-made kaya to me, can or not? : )
fufu, aiyo! I think all these talk about bread and kaya is making me hungry again! Guess what? I'm running out of bread and kaya and margarine! Must buy tonight! : )
hey dude .... the butter and kaya toast in Klang is way way better than Oldtown... forget about the Butter and Kaya bread in old town... :p
Talking about it, I'm so tempted to go now ... :p
TZ, takkan I go all the way to Klang just to eat bread with butter and kaya? Any better place in PJ or not?
i definitely love kaya+butter with bread!! yummy yummy~~ errr, why is the first photo so much enticing than the rest down there?? hahahaha :D
SK, cos the first photo is not mine. It's a photo taken from an OldTown White Coffee outlet in Singapore. It looks good right? Makes me hungry! Haha!
I prefer Old Town's ice-cream toast better... I don't like butter. Haha.
I'm a bread and butter man :D I especially love it when I'm having half boiled eggs with it. Hmmmm, maybe I just might have that for breakfast tomorrow :D
Have a great weekend buddy.
oh YES!
i totally love bread with kaya and butter..and with toast bread too! lol =)
oh wait.. thats not all!
i love bread with peanut butter too!
chocolate spread! NUTELLA!
cheesedale! sugar!
yum yum! =D
oh btw.. you know what..
im linking you on my blog! =D
stay in touch more often!
totally like your blog! ;)
I like kaya and butter on toast!! With a cup of ice cold tea or coffee... excellent!
daydreamer, yeah I tried the ice cream toast before - not bad! : )
nick phillips, yes toast with butter (and kaya) + half boiled eggs are yummy! My perfect breakfast! : )
kenwooi, you seem to like anything with bread! Haha! I like peanut butter too! And cheesedale too! And chocolate spread too! Looks like I am like you too! Gosh, you are making me hungry now! LOL!
Thanks for linking me on your blog. I will do likewise. Your blog is nice too! : )
pikey, I know you sure like one cos you are a sweet tooth person like me! Seeing you eat all those sweet desserts and that sweet IKEA cookies - I know you are just like me. Haha!
But I don't like ice cold tea or coffee. I prefer hot chocolate or hot Milo. Ice cold Milo is good too! : )
by the way foongpc i just got an award for you
thanks for being one of the top commenters in my blog
Ah yes~!!! Iced milo is the most frequently ordered drinks when I'm at the mamak :)
Have a pleasant weekend foong!
I like bread and butter occasionally with soups and steaks or pastas. I think kaya is like our coco jam, what do you think?
Oh this is so mouth watering !! I really love it and now i am feeling really hungry though i have taken dinner...Thanks for sharing..Will have this in the morning..Great One..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan
i haven't had bread with kaya and butter, just with butter. i will try to look for a kaya here. i however, am not so fond of bread, but like what you said, once a while for a different taste :) thanks for sharing.
aiyoh your kaya and butter bread doesn't look as appetising as the first picture! But of course much cheaper than eating it at old town!
I like kaya + butter + bread too but have to cut down because I've been brain wash recently - less sugar, less oil, less flour, less rice, less meat, less carbonated drink .... which left me almost nothing to eat. I am eating like a rabbit recently. Haha
I think that is called "roti kahwin" over here. If use wholemeal bread, I believe should be healthier, right? BTW Foong, I am not really worry about this H1N1 being raised to level 6. In fact, it was already level 6 a month ago when cases reported in more than 3 continents outside North America. If the situation stays like this and do not get worse, I think I will stick to our Guilin trip.
Just felt like spamming..... :P
sorry pal. I found your comments on my blog spam folder. Now it's OK
Foong, there's few ways of enjoying bread. I love bread. I love it so much. :)
Combinations of Kaya & Butter is the best. But u can also try these:
1. Butter with white sugar
2. Milo powder with milk
3. Butter with milk
4. Butter with fruit jam
5. Milo powder with honey
I love it so much!
For Jack Neo and Mark Lee, the rich gets richer. :) They deserve their fortunes. They work very hard for it.
I won't expect you to eat at Old Town White Coffee when you're in Singapore too. Try our local snacks and dishes. :)
bluedreamer, wow! Thanks for the award! : )
pikey, you like ice Milo too? Not surprising since it's sweet and tasty! Haha!
ayie, you mean coconut jam? Maybe it's the same, I'm not sure. Kaya has coconut in it that's why it's so delicious : )
unseen rajasthan, OK will check out your new website! : )
betchai, bread with butter is nice. I like it! But try it together with kaya and you'll love it! : )
eiling, haha! Yes definitely not as appetising, but I gobbled it up all the same. Yummy! : )
molly, why are you cutting down? If it's for good health, it's actually a good thing! Too much bread and butter and kaya is not good! : )
jam,yes I think it's called roti kahwin. Yes, wholemeal bread is healthier than plain white bread. OK, let's just stick to our Guilin trip unless the situation worsens.
anton, excuse me, this is what I called real spamming!
My definition of spamming is:
1) advertising your products and services with no connection to the topic of my post
2) leaving comments like "Just feel like spamming"
Haha! : )
relax, no wonder my comments did not appear in your blog! I was thinking of complaining to you already! Good thing you have it resolved : )
goolooloo, thanks for your different ways to enjoy bread! I have tried butter + white sugar - yummy!! Also butter + fruit jam - also yummy!!
I have not tried the rest but they all look so sinfully sweet! Especially milo + honey!
You are right. Butter + kaya is still the best!! : )
eastcoastlife, I'm sure they work very hard and they deserve to be rich!
Oh, I definitely won't eat at Old Town White Coffee in Singapore, but then again, I just might cos I want to know if the food in Singapore Old Town outlets are better than Malaysia's.
The food in the OldTown outlets here are nothing to shout about actually : )
but i loved it too :P
nothing beats my mom's home made kaya. :D
it's best spread onto toasted bread, butter cakes and salted crackers.
unfortunately, my kids don't like the kaya and butter spread. they prefer bread with chocolate or hazelnut spread.
Hi Foong, of coz la I love this, so yummy right? In fact, just went kopitiam just now but didn order this la! ;)
old town is ridiculously exp now!!! It is been so long last I went there ever since i discovered toast & coffee. hehehe
wow we like the same bread "add-on"s.. haha.. nice! =D
yeah foong, we also have this creamy coconut spread which we call coconut jam. It's also brown coz of the caramel =)
of coz I like bread with kaya and butter!!! it's unhealthy? who cares? lol..
Everybody loves roti with kaya and butter.
Its traditonal goody. Even the ang mohs who tasted it gives the thumbs up!!
hello there my friend you may want to know the reason behind my Top Five Blog and the reason why i called my self bluedreamer
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I like a little bit of kaya but not too much. But butter is a must for my toast.
Life Ramblings,
when can we taste your Mom's kaya? ;D
I like kaya on untoasted bread but butter on toasted bread.
Wow you just got 500 EC from Monica. Can convert to cash now lorh XD
pal, try to use golden churn butter! trust me... you won't regret!
medie007, yes it's fattening alrite! Just make sure you burn off the calories after eating them! : )
life ramblings, wow can you pls courier your mom's home made kaya to me? : )
mariuca, you love it too? Yummy! You should have ordered it when you went to the kopitiam! : )
xin, yes it's quite expensive now. that's why I resort to buy my own bread and kaya. haha!
kenwooi, so this is one thing we have in common, yeah? Cos I don't share the love of McD with you. Haha! Bread with kaya and butter is so much better than McD burgers, no? : )
ayie, I guess it's the same one then. But we also have the green kaya which they add pandan inside. That one also very nice! : )
monica, yeah it's unhealthy and I keep eating it! I must stop!! : )
a common singaporean, actually there are people who don't like, but I think they are in the minority. Yes, even the ang mohs love it! Beats their butter and jam anytime! : )
bluedreamer27, I have read your post - loved it! Thanks for sharing! : )
lina, I like butter on toast too. So yummy! But add kaya lagi best! : )
JL, that's funny of you. Kaya on untoasted bread and butter on toasted bread. For me, any bread will do as long as it's butter and kaya!
Oh, really? I got 500EC? Let me check that out! : )
faisal admar, OK, will give it a try! Thanks! : )
With pandan? wow, that must really taste good! I love pandan in desserts, drinks and steamed rice too!
I am not a fan of butter. It just taste sooooooooo rich. I love toasted bread with kaya tho..but, but, but must jaga badan so no more can eat. Kekekekeke
have you tried mr snail?
Not healthy never mind, as long as tasty! LOL
Wah, looks nice. At least is's more healthy than my breakfast, right not dr. foong? :)
i love their bread too. :) their breakfast set is very worth the penny.
Kaya = coconut = high cholesterol.
Butter = no doubt, high cholesterol
Mmm, i wonder if -ve and -ve become +ve in this sense? :P but heck it's nice, so jz enjoy it ONCE IN A WHILE.
jz like everything else, moderation is the key ;)
ayie, yes pandan kaya tastes really good! : )
rozella, no butter, just kaya? Hmmm....not so nice for me lah. I guess everyone is different! But you are right, cannot eat too much if want to jaga badan : )
faisal admar, mr snail? No haven't tried. Is it good?
pete, wah! How can like that? Must take care of health also! If not healthy, next time cannot taste good food, right? : )
neo, haha you call me Dr? I think I will call you boss juz like how nic calls you. Your breakfast definitely not healthy, boss! : )
renaye, actually I haven't tried OldTown's breakfast set. But I saw the promotion - yes worth the money! Hmmm, maybe I should I go there for breakfast one of these days! : )
alvin lim, haha! Fat hopes! 2 negatives do not make a positive! Yes, everything in moderation - that's a sensible advice : )
hi..quite nice post..do u mind to share link with me?
hi all..anybody know how to get that kind of bread..(the choc color bread usually found in kopitiam..)really2 need the information..tq
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Anyone know what butter is Old Town using ? I don't care if it's healthy or not. I have my own way of countering the bad effects.