My Top 5 Divas

Posted by : foongpc | Sunday, May 10, 2009 | Published in


I read about The 10 Finest Divas by Rob O'Conner recently and this inspired me to come up with my very own Top 5 Divas today.

These are the Top 10 Divas listed by Rob.

1. Diana Ross
2. Celine Dion
3. Mariah Carey
4. Christina Aguilera
5. Cher
6. Whitney Houston
7. Bette Midler
8. Macy Gray
9. Chaka Khan
10. Barbra Streisand

Do you agree with this list?

But before you agree or disagree, we have to agree on the definition of the word 'diva'.

According to wikipedia, diva is a celebrated female singer. But the Italian term is used to describe a woman of rare, outstanding talent in the world of opera and by extension, in theatre and popular music. However, the word diva is also closely related to the term prima donna, which is a title for leading female singer in an opera. Usually, these leading singers are arrogant and egotistical. In other words, diva is also associated with egotistical female singers who have big voices and unreasonable demands.

So your top 10 list would most probably depend on how you define the term 'diva'.

Well, for my post today, let's define divas as talented, female singers with big voices and are able to command the stage. We shall throw out all those egoistic, unreasonable characteristics, shall we?

So back to the list by Rob, I am quite surprised by his inclusion of Macy Gray. What the heck is she doing there? She's definitely no diva to me! And to be more diva-ish than Barbra Streisand and Chaka Khan? That must be a joke!

And where is Aretha Franklin? She is not in the Top 10? Impossible!

If you think Madonna should be in the list, well let me tell you she can't possibly qualify for her lack of musical talent and voice!

So, who are my Top 10 divas? Well, I think I'll just narrow it down to 5. But instead of just naming them, I shall tie them to the songs they sing.

Now, I have always loved good pop ballads with uplifting lyrics. Not just any pop ballads, mind you but those amazingly powerful ballads that makes your spirit soar and which are inspiring to the soul. Ballads that stir the emotion in you and touch you so deeply that it can even make you cry.

Most often than not, these powerful ballads are usually sung by female singers with powerful voices. These female singers are also usually known as divas.

This form of pop ballads were most popular during the 80's and 90's. Nowadays, you seldom get these kind of pop ballads anymore as it is no longer popular as evidenced by the lack of such music on top of the Billboard Chart.

Besides, not many singers are able to sing such songs as they require one to have exceptional vocal ability and power to execute them successfully.

Anyway, here are my top 5 power pop ballads (and coincidentally, also my 5 top divas!) which I like very much and will always love!

Note: As embedding the original YouTube videos of these songs had been disabled, I could not show them here. You can however click onto the links to watch the videos.

1. "Hero" sung by Mariah Carey

This will always be my No.1 most inspiring song of all time. The first time I heard this, I didn't think too much of it, until I listened carefully to its uplifting lyrics. Wow! Mariah not only wrote this from her heart, she sang from her heart too! This is the song that I play whenever I feel down because it really pulls you up.

I always feel inspired when she sings these words...

"So when you feel like hope is gone,
Look inside you and be strong,
And you'll finally see the truth,
That a hero lies in you...."

Mariah is a true diva - very talented in terms of songwriting and singing as most of her self penned songs/singles hit No.1 on the Billboard Chart.

2. "I Will Always Love You" sung by Whitney Houston

I have to say Whitney Houston is the greatest singer of all time and to date, I don't think anyone has beaten her yet in terms of vocal power. This song stayed on top of the Billboard Hot 100 for 14 weeks, a feat that was only surpassed by Mariah and Boyz II Men with their song "One Sweet Day" which stayed at No.1 for 16 weeks. Originally written and sang by Dolly Parton, this song was given the makeover by Whitney's powerful vocals!

Whitney is another true diva - the diva with the biggest voice!

3. "My Heart Will Go On" sung by Celine Dion

I have heard many singers sang this theme song from the movie "Titanic" but no one could sing it better than Celine Dion. Absolutely no one. You may have a powerful voice but that does not mean you can sing this song well as it requires some form of voice control and technique which only Celine could master. Although I am now pretty bored with this song having heard it endless times, I still rate this as one of the best ballad ever.

Celine is a diva in her own right - but a very "nice" diva that people love!

4. "The Voice Within" sung by Christina Aguilera

Christina is exceptionally good in vocal acrobatics and her voice is so powerful she can definitely give Mariah and Celine a run for their money! She sang this song beautifully. I love it!

I also find the lyrics very inspiring and somewhat similar to Mariah's "Hero".

"When there's no one else, look inside yourself,
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within,
Then you'll find the strength that will guide your way,
You'll learn to begin to trust the voice within...."

Christina definitely deserves the title 'diva'!

5. "Footprints In The Sand" sung by Leona Lewis

This is a powerful song co-written by American Idol judge, Simon Cowell himself! Leona Lewis, a rising star after winning the X-Factor reality show in UK gave her all in this song. I'm really looking forward to her next album and I hope she will have more of such songs!

Although Leona is still new in the industry and cannot qualify as a diva just yet, but I think she is definitely a diva in the making!

How about you? What is your top 5 inspirational power ballads and your top 5 divas?

Note: I am taking a break from my Kinabalu Trip posts. Will resume with A Walk Along Gaya Street next!


(54) Comments

  1. lina said...


    May 10, 2009 at 10:37 AM
  2. lina said...

    Nothing to add since I don't really listen to music much.

    Just happy I got FC

    May 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM
  3. HappySurfer said...

    I would be shocked if Mariah doesn't top your list. haha...

    Leona Lewis has a great voice and voice control for someone so young. She deserves to win that competition.

    My list would include Madonna in her younger days. Great list.

    Good Sunday morning, Foong!

    May 10, 2009 at 11:04 AM
  4. foongpc said...

    lina, good morning! Congrats for being FC! You don't really listen to music? Why?

    I switch on the radio while driving! And I listen to music even when blogging on my laptop. Last time, I switch on my CD player to play my favourite songs when I go to sleep. Don't do that anymore now as I prefer the quite environment during sleep. Maybe getting older. Haha!

    I guess I just like music! Sound sweet on my ears : )

    May 10, 2009 at 12:03 PM
  5. foongpc said...

    happysurfer, if Mariah does not top my list, then you'll know this post is not written by me. Haha!

    Leona Lewis definitely deserves to win the X Factor! She has a great voice!

    Madonna? Definitely not in my list. haha!

    And good Sunday morning to you too! Oops, it's already noon! : )

    May 10, 2009 at 12:07 PM
  6. Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

    You're right. Macy Gray? Say what?

    My personal favourites would have to be Mariah Carey, Diana Ross and Whitney Houston!

    May 10, 2009 at 12:09 PM
  7. Anonymous

    I like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston (back in the old days no).

    May 10, 2009 at 12:36 PM
  8. JL said...

    As you know my fav song is sung by the top 2 divas, so I do agree with your choice.

    Having said that, I'vve not been listening to divas for quite some time. Either most of them are retired or I just like listening to mundane stuff sometimes. xD

    May 10, 2009 at 2:09 PM
  9. Borneo Falcon said...

    i believe the WWE divas are much better than them. Ha....ha...

    May 10, 2009 at 4:02 PM
  10. bluedreamer27 said...

    i certainly agree with your list my friend
    i love them
    they got so good vocals
    although i love diana ross too
    and you know what sometime i hate bob o conner's list most of the time its about criticism

    May 10, 2009 at 4:11 PM
  11. Anonymous

    hmm.. i like celine dion and whitney houston.. haha..

    May 10, 2009 at 4:23 PM
  12. Ciela said...

    Pardon me but I only know 7 of those listed divas. I'm not so familiar with nos. 7, 8 and 9. Maybe bacause I'm in the older generation. ha ha ha!

    Thanks for the visit and compliment on my hairdo. No I didn't touched up that photo of mine. ha ha ha!!! I wish I know how so I can improve my looks.he he..

    See yah again! (Can I address you as Foong? or what do you prefer?)

    May 10, 2009 at 5:48 PM
  13. ladyviral said...

    Wow I love your list of Top Divas! I would definitely agree with you. When they sing those songs, their voices are extremely strong yet perfect.

    May 10, 2009 at 7:15 PM
  14. suituapui

    ROTFLMAO!!! Malaya Kari!!! But I agree with you on one thing! What on earth is Macy Gray doing there? I would think Barbra Streisand should be higher up on the list...

    May 10, 2009 at 7:54 PM
  15. bluedreamer27 said...

    hello there
    just dropping by here again

    May 10, 2009 at 9:46 PM
  16. eastcoastlife said...

    I seldom listen to music. :P
    I only a few popular singers, like Mariah Carey, Madonna, Michael Jackson

    May 10, 2009 at 11:14 PM
  17. eastcoastlife said...

    haha.... sound so old... many youngsters might not know the singers I list. :P

    May 10, 2009 at 11:15 PM
  18. .:: Ant ::. said...

    Many likes but since 5 ..... it'll be Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin, Dionne Warwick and Gladys Knight.

    Have a wonderful new week. ^_^

    May 10, 2009 at 11:21 PM
  19. A Common Singaporean said...

    Can we have Nora Jones inside the list? A Pop Jazz queen would be nice.

    May 11, 2009 at 12:35 AM
  20. Tekkaus said...

    Haha :D this time FC is not mei ting anymore! Crap! I have never been your FC right foong? haih....

    May 11, 2009 at 2:07 AM
  21. Tekkaus said...

    Why don't we make a deal. Before you wanna post a new gimme a call...then I can become your FC mah! Please..... :P

    Yer...Why am I begging! Anyway this post is really interesting. About divas huh. As we all predicted...Mariah carey is no doubt your top choice. :D

    May 11, 2009 at 2:08 AM
  22. Tekkaus said...

    Guess what...4 of your 5 divas is in my list too. And of course your MC didn't feature lar. No disrespect k. HA :D

    Celine deon is on top of it of course.

    May 11, 2009 at 2:09 AM
  23. Tekkaus said...

    Then again...did you notice that Leona Lewis face looks rather....INDEGENIOUS? :P

    May 11, 2009 at 2:10 AM
  24. Merryn said...

    i totally agree with ur list of divas.. i dun think i can come out with a better LIST! i love them all but to date.. whitney has faded from my mind... haih...

    May 11, 2009 at 2:27 PM
  25. Superman said...

    I like Celine Dion, Diana Ross and Christina Aguilera only.

    May 11, 2009 at 5:47 PM
  26. bluedreamer27 said...


    May 11, 2009 at 6:27 PM
  27. J2Kfm said...

    Mariah Carey's Music Box occupies a tiny little corner of my heart.
    still rmbr i was in Std 6 then, and everytime i was doing my homework, or studying for exam, i'd play the tape again and again ....

    May 11, 2009 at 7:01 PM
  28. foongpc said...

    nick phillips, yes, Macy Gray should not be in the list! : )

    mei teng, both Celine and Whitney were really good back in the old days, weren't they?

    JL, maybe you are listening to too much Jap or Korean pop music nowadays ? Haha!

    May 11, 2009 at 7:58 PM
  29. foongpc said...

    borneo falcon, WWE? Haha!

    bluedreamer27, you agree with me on this list? Give me a five! : )

    kenwooi, celine and whitney are two of the greatest singers in the world! : )

    May 11, 2009 at 8:06 PM
  30. foongpc said...

    tita beng, yes you can address me as Foong. Btw, the singers on list no. 7 and 9 (Bette Midler & Chaka Khan) are from the older generation of singers. Surprised you didn't know them?

    Good to know you didn't touch up on your portrait : )

    ladyviral, give me a five! Yes, their voices are superb! : )

    suituapui, yes Barbra Streisand should be much higher up the list, but no higher than Mariah. Haha!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:11 PM
  31. foongpc said...

    eastcoastlife, oh I'm sure many youngsters know who Madonna and Michael Jackson are - they are so famous for the wrong reasons! And of course, Mariah is very current - she is still singing and producing albums.

    anton, wow! You have really good taste! Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight are legends. But I don't listen much to them cos they are from a different generation : )

    a common singaporean, you like Nora Jones? I think she's good too, but she's not in my top 5 list : )

    May 11, 2009 at 8:28 PM
  32. foongpc said...

    tekkaus, don't worry. One day, you will be my FC here. haha! Using dirty tricks to be FC? Don't want lah - no more fun that way! Half the fun is wondering who your FC is every time! : )

    Mariah Carey not in your list? I thought can ask you give me a high five! : ( So who's the one replacing Mariah in your list?

    You are a big fan of Celine Dion? Well, she sings very well, but her songs are...well, let's just say not as good as I want them to be.

    Leona Lewis' face looks rather what? Sorry for my poor vocab but what is INDEGENIOUS?

    May 11, 2009 at 8:34 PM
  33. foongpc said...

    merryn, give me a five! haha! Not surprising Whitney has faded from your mind - she no longer sings as much as she used to.

    superman, only these 3 singers? But there are so many other good singers!

    bluedreamer27, hi! Thanks for dropping by three times already! Appreciate it! : )

    May 11, 2009 at 8:37 PM
  34. Mariuca said...

    chop oso!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:42 PM
  35. Mariuca said...

    YAY mariah in da house while Mariuca is at ur EC woo hoo!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:42 PM
  36. foongpc said...

    J2Kfm, nice to hear that Mariah's Music Box album occupies a tiny corner of your heart.

    For me, it was her Daydream album that did it for me. It is still my most favourite album to date as I like every single song in that album. It's rare to find an album where you like every single song in it : )

    May 11, 2009 at 8:43 PM
  37. Mariuca said...

    Foong! Of coz la I wan to cash out, but EC still haven approved me, so angry more than 1 month edi!!! :(

    May 11, 2009 at 8:43 PM
  38. Mariuca said...

    Dropped ec and clicked adgi!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:43 PM
  39. Mariuca said...

    Eh u're here! Hi Foong!!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:44 PM
  40. foongpc said...

    mariuca, hi! haha! Mariah in the house and Mariuca in my EC! Sounds like some rapping you are doing here!LOL!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:48 PM
  41. foongpc said...

    mariuca, EC still haven't approve? Wonder why? I haven't been really following the developments in EC, and only thought of cashing out the last few days!

    Thanks for clicking adgi! But can you announce like that? I think if you announce like that for Adsense, they will ban me for sure!

    May 11, 2009 at 8:52 PM
  42. Anonymous

    Foong, I believe you can brave the dark and smelly cave..don't be 'chicken' la...haha :)

    May 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM
  43. Bengbeng said...

    Barbra Streisand is also high up on my list

    May 11, 2009 at 10:57 PM
  44. Ayie said...

    hi foong! no diva fave for me, same as your picks except Lewis.

    May 12, 2009 at 12:37 AM
  45. LifeRamblings said...

    Good morning Foong!

    my Top 5 divas would have 2B:

    Mariah, Diana, Christina, Whitney and last but not least, Beyonce.

    May 12, 2009 at 7:09 AM
  46. foongpc said...

    mei teng, well if I really want to, I guess I can! Actually I'm game for anything during my travels : )

    bengbeng, really? I don't listen to a lot of her songs though I know she's a good singer.

    ayie, you don't like Leona Lewis?

    life ramblings, oh Beyonce should be in the top 10! That I agree : )

    May 12, 2009 at 12:36 PM
  47. Ayie said...

    Leona Lewis is ok but not among my diva list.

    May 13, 2009 at 12:29 AM
  48. levian said...

    my all time favorite will have to be christina. her voice is way awesome!

    May 13, 2009 at 9:18 AM
  49. xin said...

    i love mariah carey. she is def a diva, for ever :)

    May 13, 2009 at 10:31 AM
  50. foongpc said...

    ayie, well, she's still new and maybe not supposed to be in the list yet! : )

    levian, Christina is absolutely awesome! : )

    xin, yeah! Gimme a five! Mariah is the queen of divas! : )

    May 13, 2009 at 10:47 AM
  51. Calvin Foo said...

    I agree with most of the list, for those I know off. Some of them I never heard the name before. But I kind of hate Mariah Curry for her high pinch voice, yelling kind, and she hums too much in all her songs.

    May 13, 2009 at 1:44 PM
  52. foongpc said...

    calvin foo,looks like you are not a fan of Mariah. Well, I kinda like her way of singing and she knows how to use her voice by changing the tone and going up and down very rapidly.

    Anyway, thanks for dropping by! : )

    May 13, 2009 at 10:40 PM
  53. zewt said...

    wow... grouping leona lewis with whitney houston...

    May 15, 2009 at 2:41 PM
  54. foongpc said...

    zewt, yeah, wow! : )

    May 19, 2009 at 12:42 AM